Saturday, October 31, 2009

Poison Ivy?

I was pulling weeds off of my fence in the backyard on last sunday, on monday I was really ill, and on tuesday I have a really bad rash on my upper arms. I pretty much already know that it is definatly poison ivy, but its has been a week in a half since i touched it. When does it go away?? I went to the dr last week and she gave me a steriod shot and zertec to take. I have been putting everything I can think of that you can put on your arms that you can buy in the store! What else can I do this stuff iz driving me CRAZY!!!
yep it can be crazy itchy but relax. it should go away in a few days In the meantime you can buy some medication to relieve the itch temperoraily. You can also try some home rememdies like oatmeal baths. u can chcek online

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