hi all.look i have a bad feeling behind my head and its particualry in left side of my head,its not like pain but seems its itchy from inside i have itchy feeling in my throat and left ear aswell,i have pain in my neck ,sometimes i feel pain in center and right part of my head a kind of pain that shocks me and vanishes soon,the pain continues in to my eyes,and rarely i feel pain in my arm and feet,i had temprature changes i have gone to doctor my medication just finished and nothing yet the doc said its an infection but common i took three pages of amoxi cilin and 3 ampulas of cefazolin how come its not ok yet?i scare can it be brain tumor?or what please if you ever had same expereince let me know,i dont wanna die,i have told my father to take me to nurologist but it takes time couse ct scan and mri scan are probable and they are expensive he cant afford it i gotta wait till next week help me
Please go to the doctor. No one here can really help - just give you our advice. Start with a general practitioner for a second opinion who may or may not suggest going to a specialist. It isn't worth the money you save if your health is at stake. And don't assume the worst - you could have something less serious like migraines or an infection that just needs more antibiotics. Panicking will generally make any symptoms you have worse.Good luck!
Overexposure to aluminum compounds鈥攊n foil, cookware, deodorants, antacids, toothpaste鈥攃an affect brain function
u av nits
wish i could help u friend but the only thing i can suggest is that u get back to your doctor and tell him what really scares u about this,there could be a number of things which could be causing all the pain,my mother was complaing of headaches on a monday and suddenly she passed away on wednesday,brain hemorage,and she was only 46, so dont risk not going back to the docs ok.i wish u all the best
sounds like sinus to me. are you old enough to make any decisions for yourself. Get plenty of fresh air and exercise. Eat three meals a day and drink plenty of water. Use a saline nose spray to keep your nose and sinus balanced. Sinus and migraines have those symptoms. Showering daily helps too- keeps you hydrated and washes off any irritants or pollens you have come in contact with during the day. Do you have sense of smell- is it distorted? If you are in school you should be able to ask for help from the school nurse. Take care.
dont be scared, i had an AVM,an arterial vein malfuntion and had brain surgery twice i had head-aches and some pain but not much i was born with it and didnt even know i had it until i had a grand mall seizure i had cat scans mri,s been through all of it if you have been taking antibiotics it doesnt sound like anything even close antibiotics are for infection...it will be ok...God Bless and good luck
First of all, it is highly unlikely that you have a brain tumor. Brain tumors generally show up with different symptoms. However, you may have a lingering infection. Is you white cell count up?
Do go and see a different doctor. Go to the emergency room, but do something. If you don't have the money, go anyway and arrange for payments. It's not worth risking your health for money reason, yet millions of people do - very unfortunate. Keep us posted.
I know you are scared at this point but you have to wait and give the antibiotics time to work. That can take approximately ten days. If you have a sinus infection it can make you feel like crap and hurts really bad all around your head and throat.I think you are having little pains that are normal but because you are scared you are associating them with the pains in your head. You're afraid you have a brain tumor and will die but that isn't likely. It takes time to get an appointment with a Neuorologist; you can't just go the day you decide you need to. I'm sure your father is looking out for you and will get additional help as soon as he can. Relax and take it easy and you'll be better soon.
It may sound silly but go to your dentist. I had same symptons and turned out I had an abcess in a wisdom tooth. That's what was causing the swelling and the itching in throat and ears. The antibiotics may not have worked because you need different antibiotics for abcesses. Good Luck.
Most of your symptoms do sound like a sinus infection. There are sinus cavities throughout the front half of your head and if they become congested and infected you will have nasty headaches, particulary behind the forehead, eyes, cheeks and often in the upper teeth, and drainage in your throat that can make it itchy. Since the ears are connected to the same system, the infection may be in them as well. Antibiotics should cure the situation provided they are antibiotics that are effective against it and provided they are taken in the appropriate doses for the duration of a full course (usually 10 days for penicillins and cephalosporins). You may need a broader spectrum antibiotic than you have been given. The pain that "shocks and vanishes soon" is pretty common with a sinus infection and is caused by a build-up of pressure in the sinuses that reaches peak and suddenly lets go. Sometimes sinus infections require a decongestent to help them resolve--often it's not enough to treat the infection; the symptomatic congestion needs to be treated too for the patient to experience relief. I hope this helps you to feel more comfortable about your doctor's chosen course of treatment and perhaps emboldens you to ask about a decongestant and, if the situation doesn't resolve in the coming week, perhaps a different antibiotic. I hope you feel better soon.
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