Saturday, October 31, 2009

Plz help what is to be done if block appear even after bypass surgery?

Am writing this with gr8 pain. my papa had bypass surgery a year back but still he is not well.Doctors say that he had the symptoms of attack even after surgery.He has the pain frm his neck , teeth pain and pain in his shoulder.Doctor asked him to walk for 45 min ..but when he walk a 10 min...he started getting pain in his neck. we consulted 2 Doctors ...they say he might have doctor adviced for ct scanning...instead of angeograf..he says thats good for those persons who have done surgery.,,he says if the block is thin it can be cured by medicines and if its hard the surgery should be done again...we don't know what is good..plzzz tell us surgery is possible for a person who already had bypass surgery before..plzz do pray for my papa..
I work at a hospital where we do bypass surgeries almost daily. As the doctor said they can do a scan or a cardiac cath and determine the extent of the block. If it's small then they can open it with a balloon or place a stent (a small wire mesh that will press against the blockage) with medication to control the block. If the block is large then, yes, they can do another bypass to save his heart. Best Wishes! :)
yes i will pray for your dad.. cheer up =) have it checked so they will know what's the best options to do for the heart block..
There are medications to treat small blockages and there is also angioplasty to unblock the artery.This is almost always attempted, if it fails then they use surgery.I had open heart surgery and my heart goes out to your papa.I'll pray they are successful and he won't need another surgery.I'm not too sure I could go through that again.But in a matter of saving my life I guess I would but it would sure suck.Make sure you give him lots of hugs and keep up his spirits as he must be very scared.I'll pray you will have him for a long long time ok.

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