Saturday, October 31, 2009

Plz READ properly: Y does my Dr leave me on the edge of anemia & won't infuse me with IRON until I drop below

the "guidlines", so that I spend MONTHS feeling lethargic %26unwell.
I have an immune deficiency.
I have recurring anemia because I SUFFER WITH ULCERATIVE COLITIS %26altho I have spoken with my doctor %26the specialist about how run down I feel, the blood tests they take each month show my iron levels to be "safe" %26they won't give me an IRON INFUSION until they deem it "unsafe" which happens about TWICE a year, EVERY year. Then I have a course of, 6-7 infusions, 1 a week. But after a short time I feel like pooh again.
I CAN'T TAKE ORAL IRON, it plays havock with my colitis.
Altho I have expressed my wish that they would give me an infusion, maybe 1 EVERY MONTH, rather than let me get to running on empty b4 they top me up, they just don't follow through with the idea, even though they agree it's a good solution.
I can't sleep %26have no stamina, I struggle with everything...Is this going to be my lot now until I die?I'm under NHS in UK, so u can't just up and see another doc/specialist
I don't know that I have THE answer you are looking for; but I'm anemic too and I feel your pain! Have you ever heard of iron pills that are specifically designed for bariatric patients? I don't like to take normal iron pills because of the gas they cause and the constipation. Look into the bariatric iron pills...they are designed and intended for people who have gastric sensitivities. Check out this's the first one that popped up when I searched it. Bless and I hope you find relief soon.
You didn't mention what the unsafe levels (as considered by the doctor) were. Usually anemia is considered severe if hemoglobin drops below 8 gm%. The reason I feel your doctors are reluctant to infuse iron, is because it is a potentially hazardous procedure. Moreover, patients can develop antibodies to the iron compound, that can cause severe reactions in subsequent transfusions ( the risk is more in your case, as you have another auto-immune disease). Once your colitis comes under control, you can probably be started on some oral iron supplementation. Exercise can stimulate red cell production %26 improve stamina, but it needs to be tailored according to your present capacity. Perhaps you should see a trainer or a physiotherapist, they might be able to prepare a regime for you. Take a look at the links below. Good luck!

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