Sunday, October 25, 2009

Please help, medical problem?

My dad is 58 years old and he had a stroke, behind his right eye in his brain. He has double vision. Should he be on 4 different blood pressue medicines and a strong pain medicine at the same time? Is that good or bad?
Consult a doctor, 4 different kind of blood pressure meds should not be necessery, one kind taken regulary and a second kind for emergency cases. Is the usualy treatment.
I would suggest calling and asking your local pharmacist. They really don't mind answering questions, and they will know if there are any bad combinations.
have him see an ophtalmologist
this is not a question for the general public
If he is seeing one doctor who prescribed all this than I suggest seeing another. Next visit to the doctors discuss your concerns and if you are not satisfied try to see another doctor.
call the doctor and now
it really depends on the medication. it is not uncommon to be on 4 different BP meds. normal pain meds do not interfere with bp meds unless it is a specialty pain medication. it would help a bunch to know exactly what the meds are, then i could use clinical pharmocology to see if there is any interactions.

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