Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pleaseeeeee somenone help me with acne?

i have had acne for the past 1 year and a half and i have tried soooooooooooo many different things benzoyl peroxide salicic acid they take it away but then it comes back i jus want it to be gone foreverrrrrrrrr pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee someone really really help me im desperate
err...its not going to go away forever unless you can either completely avoid stress...or stop can try to prevent it thoughUniversity Mediacal kinda has a proactiv kinda approach...their stuff works on my girlfriendPersonally, I use noxema blackhead scrub, burt's bees Garden Tomato Toner (can find at a natural food store), and Clearasil Ultra for problem spots.the thing that sucks is that you have to be persistent...wash at least 2 times a day...but no more than 3 b/c u dont wanna strip ur skin of its oils...this summer will be better bud-dont worry
I went to the derm. and she gave me a combination of Differin and Klaron. The Differin cream is amazing, although I'd say it took about a month to work. I didn't get any bad "purging" which worsened acne, it just got steadily better. It works by somehow interfering with the growth of skin cells, so your skin keeps getting better and better and STAYS that way. It works better mixing with Benzoyl Peroxide. Klaron was an antibiotic and moisturiser. Good stuff. This was all that worked with my small but persistent acne. Now people comment on my flawless skin :]
Have you tried Acnefree, it is pretty good you should give it a try!
Market America carries a product called Preva Derm. The Benefits of this product are:Supports the immune system
Reduces redness associated with acne:
Promotes the healing / repair of minor skin damage caused by blemishes
Promotes the healing / repair of minor damage to skin cells caused by blemishes/acne.
Supports a healthy complexion
Helps maintain a smooth %26 even toned complexion
Helps maintain a clear complexion
Provides anti-oxidant defense
Helps maintain healthy skin at the cellular level
Neutralize the effects of the inflammation mediator lipopolysacharides (LPS) (which is released by acne-related bacteria)
Demonstrates anti-inflammatory activity to assist in normalizing reddened or swollen skin.
Enhances the body's natural defenses against acne causing bacteriaWhat Makes This Product Unique?Many people believe that acne is caused by stress, dead skin cells, oily skin or diet; these however, are not the primary cause of acne. While these could all be factors that contribute to acne, the only known cause of acne is bacteria. Since there are so many factors involved in what causes acne and there are many different types of acne there is a huge spectrum of solutions. For those who have mild acne, the topical cleansers and toners work just fine. On the other hand, for those who fight a constant battle with acne, there is a need for maximum anti-blemish support that goes deep within the skin starting at the root of the problem. PrevaDermTM Anti-Blemish Formula manages acne from the inside out. It boosts the immune system and supports the body's natural defense against acne causing bacteria. By treating acne at its source you can be confident that you are addressing the problem - not just covering it up. PrevaDermTM also promotes the repair of minor damage caused by blemishes. It will work to normalize reddened and swollen skin and promote healthy skin at the cellular level. PrevaDermTM will safely enhance the body's natural defenses against acne causing bacteria. PrevaDermTM will even help even out your complexion and help you maintain a smooth and even toned complexion.On the most important days, it never fails: your greatest nemesis appears and you cannot ignore it. It seems to attack your face at full force at the most inconvenient times. Of course, this attacker is none other than the common adversary known as acne. Acne can affect your physical and emotional well-being. The embarrassment, insecurity and frustration associated with acne are very real issues that we have all experienced. For those with mild cases of acne, topical cleansers, toners and prescription creams are suitable. However, those who have a regular struggle with acne need maximum anti-blemish support. PrevaDermTM Anti-Blemish Formula, an all-natural formula, provides this maximum support by reducing the redness associated with acne, promoting the healing and repair of minor skin damage caused by blemishes, supporting and maintaining a healthy complexion and supporting the body's natural ability to detoxify itself of acne-causing impurities*.To better understand how PrevaDerm works, it helps to understand how acne develops. Many people believe that acne is caused by stress, dead skin cells, oily skin and a poor diet. While these could all be factors, they are not the primary reason. One of the main causes of acne is bacteria. The substances that fill the narrow follicles in the skin may produce a plug, which is an early sign of acne. When the pore, or the opening of the follicle, is blocked, the mixture of oil and cells allows bacteria that normally live on the skin to grow in the plugged follicles. These bacteria produce chemicals and enzymes and attract white blood cells that cause inflammation. When the wall of the plugged follicle breaks down, it spills everything into the nearby skin - sebum, shed skin cells, and bacteria - leading to pimples. People with acne frequently have a variety of lesions. The basic acne lesion, the comedo, is an enlarged and plugged hair follicle. If the plugged follicle, or comedo, stays beneath the skin, it is called a closed comedo and produces a white bump called a whitehead. A comedo that reaches the surface of the skin and opens up is called an open comedo. An open comedo is otherwise known as a blackhead, due to its black appearance on the skin's surface. This black discoloration is not dirt as commonly believed; it is actually due to changes in sebum as it is exposed to air.PrevaDerm: The functions and ingredients
PrevaDerm enhances the body's natural defenses against acne-causing bacteria and neutralizes the effects of the inflammation mediator lipopolysacharides (LPS), which is released by acne-related bacteria, causing redness and swollen areas on the skin. By simply taking two capsules daily, PrevaDerm nourishes the skin from the inside out in four ways: enhancing the body's natural defenses against bacteria, helping reduce redness associated with a poor complexion, promoting the repair of minor skin damage caused by acne, and detoxifying the body of acne-causing impurities to support a healthy complexion*. The main ingredient, Praventin TM, is a patent pending proprietary bioactive protein complex rich in Lactoferrin. Lactoferrin plays a supportive role in nourishing the skin from the inside through three mechanisms: anti-microbial (enhances the body's natural defenses against bacteria), anti-inflammatory (helps assist reduction in redness associated with a poor complexion), and antioxidant (helps aid the repair of damaged skin cells from blemishes).
Cysteine Peption, the other ingredient used in all-natural PrevaDerm, is a milk-derived ingredient that supports healthy skin by allowing your body to produce glutathione, an antioxidant. Glutathione is essential for supporting normal detoxification. Cysteine is incorporated into tri-peptide, glutathione and other proteins. To gain more info on this product and others please log on to I hope this helps! Good luck!
Wash your face frequently with soap and lots of water and try to use lemons, yes lemons, just cut it in half and rub the juice into your skin , this will dry your skin out. About once a day and see if it helps ? If you brake out more discontinue. Hope I t helps.
I have had acne since I was nine years old, and am now 13. Its a horrible thing, especially if you are young, but it gets better. The best thing that I can reccomend is to see a dermatologist ASAP. My derm gave me a prescription for clindagel, differin, and a brevoxyl wash that really work. Of course, I still have acne, but it's manageable. He just gave me a prescription for an oral antibiotic that is working wonders for my skin. Ask your derm about all of those things.In the meantime, I suggest that you get these products.
Always stay with a good product line that is preferred by dermatologists, such as Neutrogena.Get a light moisturizer that you will apply twice a day,
A Cetaphil face wash,
An advanced treatment, like the Neutrogena microclear or the Clean and Clear advanced acne gel.When your derm gives you a prescription, it is important that you stop using all of those above products except for the moisturizer. Moisturizer is VITAL. Keep the advanced treatment, but only apply on a major pimple, not your whole face, and sparingly.Water is key is maintaining a healthy complexion.Sweetheart, don't worry. It WILL get better. Get some skinclearing makeup(Neutrogena), and cover up the embarassing pimples, and you'll feel better, I promise.

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