help me get rid of it!! its bad around my face and on my ankle. help me
Poison Ivy is horrible and there's no easy way to get rid of it. Mine lasted for like 6 weeks before it stopped bothering me.One thing I found that helped a little was a cream called Zanfel. However, it is VERY expensive and there is some controversy over whether or not it works like it says it does. It says it washes away the urishiol that causes the itching, but the itching persisted for me -- perhaps because I had a systemic reaction (I am allergic to a lot of things and have had skin problems even without poison ivy).For me, it really relieved the itching for short periods of time (maybe several hours). But it did NOT get rid of the rash. It kind of feels like sand in ointment and I think a large part of what makes things feel better is that you're actually scratching the rash with the ointment! Like I said, though it did help me get through some desperate hours at the very least, so if you can't stand it anymore, it might be worth it to you. Again, VERY expensive though...I'm including links to information about Zanfel and how you can get it (I got mine at a local drugstore), more info on Poison Ivy from Wikipedia, and a link to another question about Zanfel.Good luck! I sincerely feel for you...
calamine lotion
go to the doctor and they will prescribe medicine for it
Wash all your clothes and everything you have contact with in very hot water -- not with any other clothes. Use good soap and add borax to it. Then calamine lotion and patience.
Buy calamine lotion. Don't scratch the poison ivy unless you have to and if you do then wash your hands throughly with soap and water. I have had poison ivy and it's not fun having it.
prescription meds work best they can give you an injection too
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Porq cuando uno estornuda cierra los ojos?
Estornudar es normal.Cuando los sentidos de nuestros organos trabajan juntos y te sientes estresada hace que uno immediatment cierre los ojos. :-)
Es un reflejo que tenemos. No lo podemos evitar.
Popping zits - gorgeous or gross??
personally i'm fascinated!
Zit-popping is great fun, especially when you build up so much pressure that the pus splatters all over the mirror.
well popping zits in front of people is kinda gross but u have to do it cuz having a face full of puss isn't to pretty either! plus it's healthier for you cuz the puss is just clogging you up. hope this was the type of answer you are looking for :)
Zit-popping is great fun, especially when you build up so much pressure that the pus splatters all over the mirror.
well popping zits in front of people is kinda gross but u have to do it cuz having a face full of puss isn't to pretty either! plus it's healthier for you cuz the puss is just clogging you up. hope this was the type of answer you are looking for :)
Popped pimple scab..leave alone or antibiotics?
I popped a really big pimple few days ago and it left a pretty nasty looking scab that is healing slowly..theres no puss left because it doesnt hurt when i touch it..but i want to get rid of this scab, should i just leave it alone or put some antibiotic cream on it?
Put some Witch Hazel on it. It will dry it out very quickly.
Leave it, dont put chemicals on your face either, that isnt good for your skin, although companies would like people to believe it, for one good there are 5 bad sides to it.
Only thing I would say to put on it is all natural aloe vera right from the plant.
Never ever ever pop pimples. it could scar your face. the only thing you should put on it is medicine that could help heal it. make sure u wash it well too.
Hi Ken,Try white tooth paste overnight sounds stupid but it works on mine %26 also you could try some aloe vera ( just take a piece off %26 squeeze the juice on your face-plant-good for all kinda treatments-burn, scratches, acne, insect bites etc.) Call florist where you live %26 see if they have any %26 occasionly you can find aloe plants at Walgreen's drugstores.
Put some Witch Hazel on it. It will dry it out very quickly.
Leave it, dont put chemicals on your face either, that isnt good for your skin, although companies would like people to believe it, for one good there are 5 bad sides to it.
Only thing I would say to put on it is all natural aloe vera right from the plant.
Never ever ever pop pimples. it could scar your face. the only thing you should put on it is medicine that could help heal it. make sure u wash it well too.
Hi Ken,Try white tooth paste overnight sounds stupid but it works on mine %26 also you could try some aloe vera ( just take a piece off %26 squeeze the juice on your face-plant-good for all kinda treatments-burn, scratches, acne, insect bites etc.) Call florist where you live %26 see if they have any %26 occasionly you can find aloe plants at Walgreen's drugstores.
Poor leg circulation, frequent cramps and bruises...heart problems?
I'm a 24 yr old female that doesn鈥檛 have an active lifestyle, I鈥檓 30 lbs under weight, suffers daily stress from demanding career and fulltime education. I've spent a lot of money already on several doctors for the past 2 years. This has yielded no results, just a lot of different opinions and too many wrong directions. My problem is still un-cured. Any unique insight would be appreciated. will post my symptoms next.-------------
I agree that you may want to look into candida issues. Most of what you describe here could be related to candida (at least in part). The heart issues and severe leg cramps may be due to a calcium/magnesium deficiency caused by the candida. The vaginal irritation, and inflammation may be due to large amounts of toxicity from the candida - this sort of irritation can be triggered by toxicity. The recurring yeast infections are a definite sign of yeast issues. An infection as severe as this may be an indication of heavy metal presence in the tissue, as well. Heavy metals create a great environment for candida so the candida would proliferate.
You can get a candida test prescribed by your doctor - has one they can order. A hair analysis would give you indication of the levels of heavy metals in your system - you can find this test at
Wow, that's a lot of symptoms!Honestly though, I have shared several of them with you over the years... Ask your doctor to do a CT work up, MRI, everything. Many of these things can be attributed to nerves in your spine, as was the case with me.And while it is indeed quite painful, you may want to have a Myelogram. I only say that because it really sounds like you have had all kinds of test with no answers. A Meylogram is when they inject dye into your spine and take high resolution images of it under a Flouroscope as well as a CT scan. In my case, that was what caught the degenerative disk disease and nerve root disorder that had pushed my buttons for a very long time.Wish you luck whatever path you and your doctor decide on. :)
Have you had an EMG? Sounds like a circulation problem to me, main thing, do you smoke? I have the same thing in my legs as you do, and I've been told it's from smoking. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate and your too young for all this. Go to a woman Dr. they seem to understand women's problems better than men do. Don't give up, if you watch the health channel on TV every week you'll see and hear people who have for years tried too figure out what their health issues were, your not crazy, a lot of people experience health problems such as yours, don't give up..I wish you the best. P.S. When you go to the Dr's write down everything that's been bothering you, otherwise you might forget a main point, sometimes that helps the Dr. to decide what direction to take.
Ask your doctor for a Candida test. It can lead to a huge host of odd symptoms and you have many of them. I started a candida diet after months of weird symptoms and within 2 weeks of being diagnosed and doing the diet, I felt like a completely new person! I'm not kidding, it was like a miracle!
I agree that you may want to look into candida issues. Most of what you describe here could be related to candida (at least in part). The heart issues and severe leg cramps may be due to a calcium/magnesium deficiency caused by the candida. The vaginal irritation, and inflammation may be due to large amounts of toxicity from the candida - this sort of irritation can be triggered by toxicity. The recurring yeast infections are a definite sign of yeast issues. An infection as severe as this may be an indication of heavy metal presence in the tissue, as well. Heavy metals create a great environment for candida so the candida would proliferate.
You can get a candida test prescribed by your doctor - has one they can order. A hair analysis would give you indication of the levels of heavy metals in your system - you can find this test at
Wow, that's a lot of symptoms!Honestly though, I have shared several of them with you over the years... Ask your doctor to do a CT work up, MRI, everything. Many of these things can be attributed to nerves in your spine, as was the case with me.And while it is indeed quite painful, you may want to have a Myelogram. I only say that because it really sounds like you have had all kinds of test with no answers. A Meylogram is when they inject dye into your spine and take high resolution images of it under a Flouroscope as well as a CT scan. In my case, that was what caught the degenerative disk disease and nerve root disorder that had pushed my buttons for a very long time.Wish you luck whatever path you and your doctor decide on. :)
Have you had an EMG? Sounds like a circulation problem to me, main thing, do you smoke? I have the same thing in my legs as you do, and I've been told it's from smoking. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate and your too young for all this. Go to a woman Dr. they seem to understand women's problems better than men do. Don't give up, if you watch the health channel on TV every week you'll see and hear people who have for years tried too figure out what their health issues were, your not crazy, a lot of people experience health problems such as yours, don't give up..I wish you the best. P.S. When you go to the Dr's write down everything that's been bothering you, otherwise you might forget a main point, sometimes that helps the Dr. to decide what direction to take.
Ask your doctor for a Candida test. It can lead to a huge host of odd symptoms and you have many of them. I started a candida diet after months of weird symptoms and within 2 weeks of being diagnosed and doing the diet, I felt like a completely new person! I'm not kidding, it was like a miracle!
Poison Sumac?
My daughter has a tiny patch of sumac, how do i get rid of it before it spreads all over her?
she can't touch it. use calamine lotion or anti itch cream to calm the itching. oatmeal baths will help ease itching and dry it out. alcohol also works, but it will burn. i also read, you can make a paste of vinegar and baking soda and spread it over the affected areas until it dries. this also will dry it out. its a little messy though. good luck.
Keep it contained with normal calamine lotion and make sure she does not touch it *at all*. Self contamination is the worst part. No matter how bad it feels, don't touch! It should really stay contained that way. Also, here is some info from the net:First Aid Wash the skin thoroughly with soap and warm water. Because the resin enters skin quickly, try to wash it off within 30 minutes. A product called Tecnu, available in camping stores and some pharmacies, is very effective at removing the oils.
Scrub under the fingernails with a brush to prevent the resin from spreading to other parts of the body.
Wash clothing and shoes with soap and hot water. Resin can linger on them.
Promptly bathe animals to remove the oils from their fur.
Body heat and sweating can aggravate the itching. Stay cool and apply cool compresses to your skin.
Calamine lotion and hydrocortisone cream can be applied to the skin to reduce itching and blistering. Bathing in lukewarm water with an oatmeal bath product, available in drugstores, may soothe itchy skin. Aluminum acetate (Domeboro solution) soaks can also help to dry the rash and reduce itching.
If creams, lotions, or bathing do not stop the itching, antihistamines may be helpful.
In severe cases, especially rash around the face or genitals, your physician may prescribe oral or injected steroids.
Do Not Return to top DO NOT touch skin or clothing that still have the resins.
poor thing! i had sumac and ivy and poison oak when i was a child, you need to dry it up calamine or alcohol works best,if it gets too bad take her to the doctor they can put her on steroids to make it go away(thats the last resort for poison but may cause long term side affects) good luck
The rash will spread wherever the oil in the plant touched. It does not spread from the rash itself. Childrens Benadryl may help with the itch, apply an over the counter cortisone cream or calmine lotion. If severe swelling is associated with it take her to the doctors.
she can't touch it. use calamine lotion or anti itch cream to calm the itching. oatmeal baths will help ease itching and dry it out. alcohol also works, but it will burn. i also read, you can make a paste of vinegar and baking soda and spread it over the affected areas until it dries. this also will dry it out. its a little messy though. good luck.
Keep it contained with normal calamine lotion and make sure she does not touch it *at all*. Self contamination is the worst part. No matter how bad it feels, don't touch! It should really stay contained that way. Also, here is some info from the net:First Aid Wash the skin thoroughly with soap and warm water. Because the resin enters skin quickly, try to wash it off within 30 minutes. A product called Tecnu, available in camping stores and some pharmacies, is very effective at removing the oils.
Scrub under the fingernails with a brush to prevent the resin from spreading to other parts of the body.
Wash clothing and shoes with soap and hot water. Resin can linger on them.
Promptly bathe animals to remove the oils from their fur.
Body heat and sweating can aggravate the itching. Stay cool and apply cool compresses to your skin.
Calamine lotion and hydrocortisone cream can be applied to the skin to reduce itching and blistering. Bathing in lukewarm water with an oatmeal bath product, available in drugstores, may soothe itchy skin. Aluminum acetate (Domeboro solution) soaks can also help to dry the rash and reduce itching.
If creams, lotions, or bathing do not stop the itching, antihistamines may be helpful.
In severe cases, especially rash around the face or genitals, your physician may prescribe oral or injected steroids.
Do Not Return to top DO NOT touch skin or clothing that still have the resins.
poor thing! i had sumac and ivy and poison oak when i was a child, you need to dry it up calamine or alcohol works best,if it gets too bad take her to the doctor they can put her on steroids to make it go away(thats the last resort for poison but may cause long term side affects) good luck
The rash will spread wherever the oil in the plant touched. It does not spread from the rash itself. Childrens Benadryl may help with the itch, apply an over the counter cortisone cream or calmine lotion. If severe swelling is associated with it take her to the doctors.
Poison oak?
I may have gotten into some poison oak on Tuesday. I had capris on with tennis shoes and yesterday only my left ankle and foot were swolen about 3 times their normal size. I have some scratches on the same ankle, but they are just scratches. I'm thinking it's from tree branches. My legs have been itching ever since, but now I'm starting to get little clusters of bumps on my legs, and they are begining to burn. The swelling on my ankle and foot have went down alot, but are still are a little swolen. Could this be poison oak or what? If it is what can I do about it?
sounds like it... try hydrocortisone creme should help that's what i used.. also benadryl will help...
even an oatmeal plaster put on the bumps/rash
Elevating your leg to help with the swelling...
Try this site:
sounds like it... try hydrocortisone creme should help that's what i used.. also benadryl will help...
even an oatmeal plaster put on the bumps/rash
Elevating your leg to help with the swelling...
Try this site:
Poison oak?
anyone know that poison oak causes reocurring fever.
I looked up poison oak in the Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary and it makes no mention of fever as a symptom.
I work in a dermatology office and sometimes people can run low grade fever due to an extreme amount of inflammation in the skin if a rash is very bad! Hope this helps!
It can. It really effects your whole system. Like poison ivy, it travels through your blood. I had a very bad case and had fever along with the outbreaks.I had shots that cured it. It took two shots of steroids but that was the best thing that I did. Good luck.
I looked up poison oak in the Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary and it makes no mention of fever as a symptom.
I work in a dermatology office and sometimes people can run low grade fever due to an extreme amount of inflammation in the skin if a rash is very bad! Hope this helps!
It can. It really effects your whole system. Like poison ivy, it travels through your blood. I had a very bad case and had fever along with the outbreaks.I had shots that cured it. It took two shots of steroids but that was the best thing that I did. Good luck.
Poison Ivy??
I have to go to a party tomarrow, and i have poisen ivy, and we are to be swimming. Do u think it's okay to go swimming with other people if i have poison ivy?
A boyfriend once told me a story about Army Basic Training. They made everybody pile all of their clothes into a pile. Then they made everybody quickly grab their stuff back out of the pile in a hurry. Everybody's clothes got mixed up including underwear, t shirts, and everything. Well, three people had poison ivy in his group. After they did that forced clothes swapping thing, within days, 15 other people deveolped poison ivy and 2 or 3 got extremely serious cases of it. I would have to say that poison ivy is contagious.
They won't get it from the water but you really should stay home and treat it.
yes, you could get it.
As a healthcare provider I can tell you that it is OK.
As long as you don't rub up against people - it's transferable that way. Do you really want people to see you all red and blotchy?
It'll be fine, as long as you remove the oil. The oil can stick around for a long time if you dont do anything about it. Just wash it off, then you can swim with no problems.
The poison ivy rash is not contagious. When a person touches the poison ivy leaf, a substance on the surface of the leaf (a resin) rubs off. Over the next 48 to 72 hours the skin reacts to the resin by becoming red and developing bumps and blisters at and around the site where the resin was. It can be very itchy and uncomfortable, especially for children, but will eventually go away, though it may take weeks. Sometimes prescription creams or medications are given to help it resolve faster. The fluid inside the blisters is not contagious, and will not cause poison ivy if another child touches it. The "spreading" of poison ivy on one person that you are describing, is due to different factors. When the resin touches the skin or clothing it sticks there until it is washed off. Often, people do not know that they have touched poison ivy, and may end up spreading the resin to other parts of their body with their hands or their clothing over the next day, until they've washed their hands or taken a bath. Since the rash doesn't occur until two or three days later, it can appear as though successive crops of blisters are developing over a one or two day period, all from that same exposure to the resin of the poison ivy plant. HOPE THIS HELPS!!
yea the only way your spread poison ivy is if you pop the little bumps and they get on someone or you get them on your fingers and touch someone else . No worrys you can swim .
Sure. Actually you are not contagious, its the clothes or shoes you were wearing the day you contracted the ivy that is. You need to wash all the things you were wearing or using. Or you may reinfect yourself. Going swimming may help you because of the chlorine in the water. Have fun.
Um... Thats a hard one. I wouldn't go if I had it. There is a way you could get it. Even if someone touched you, they could get it. Besides that... If it is making you itch alot... I would recommend rubbing the inside of a banana peel on the infected area. I do this all the time... considering I live in the woods where alot of poison ivy and poison oak is.
A boyfriend once told me a story about Army Basic Training. They made everybody pile all of their clothes into a pile. Then they made everybody quickly grab their stuff back out of the pile in a hurry. Everybody's clothes got mixed up including underwear, t shirts, and everything. Well, three people had poison ivy in his group. After they did that forced clothes swapping thing, within days, 15 other people deveolped poison ivy and 2 or 3 got extremely serious cases of it. I would have to say that poison ivy is contagious.
They won't get it from the water but you really should stay home and treat it.
yes, you could get it.
As a healthcare provider I can tell you that it is OK.
As long as you don't rub up against people - it's transferable that way. Do you really want people to see you all red and blotchy?
It'll be fine, as long as you remove the oil. The oil can stick around for a long time if you dont do anything about it. Just wash it off, then you can swim with no problems.
The poison ivy rash is not contagious. When a person touches the poison ivy leaf, a substance on the surface of the leaf (a resin) rubs off. Over the next 48 to 72 hours the skin reacts to the resin by becoming red and developing bumps and blisters at and around the site where the resin was. It can be very itchy and uncomfortable, especially for children, but will eventually go away, though it may take weeks. Sometimes prescription creams or medications are given to help it resolve faster. The fluid inside the blisters is not contagious, and will not cause poison ivy if another child touches it. The "spreading" of poison ivy on one person that you are describing, is due to different factors. When the resin touches the skin or clothing it sticks there until it is washed off. Often, people do not know that they have touched poison ivy, and may end up spreading the resin to other parts of their body with their hands or their clothing over the next day, until they've washed their hands or taken a bath. Since the rash doesn't occur until two or three days later, it can appear as though successive crops of blisters are developing over a one or two day period, all from that same exposure to the resin of the poison ivy plant. HOPE THIS HELPS!!
yea the only way your spread poison ivy is if you pop the little bumps and they get on someone or you get them on your fingers and touch someone else . No worrys you can swim .
Sure. Actually you are not contagious, its the clothes or shoes you were wearing the day you contracted the ivy that is. You need to wash all the things you were wearing or using. Or you may reinfect yourself. Going swimming may help you because of the chlorine in the water. Have fun.
Um... Thats a hard one. I wouldn't go if I had it. There is a way you could get it. Even if someone touched you, they could get it. Besides that... If it is making you itch alot... I would recommend rubbing the inside of a banana peel on the infected area. I do this all the time... considering I live in the woods where alot of poison ivy and poison oak is.
Poison ivy??
how 2 get rid of poison ivy?? =(
Try not to scratch it, use rubbing alcohol to soothe and then benadryl or something similar to ease the itching.
Calamine lotion, to dry the oozing, which , I have poison ivy right now and the calamine is not drying the oozing yet after 2 days of applying it. Not fun is it.
Take bendryl for the itching. I bought poison ivy soap, it washes away the oil that causes poison ivy.
Try not to scratch it, use rubbing alcohol to soothe and then benadryl or something similar to ease the itching.
Calamine lotion, to dry the oozing, which , I have poison ivy right now and the calamine is not drying the oozing yet after 2 days of applying it. Not fun is it.
Take bendryl for the itching. I bought poison ivy soap, it washes away the oil that causes poison ivy.
Poison Ivy?
I was pulling weeds off of my fence in the backyard on last sunday, on monday I was really ill, and on tuesday I have a really bad rash on my upper arms. I pretty much already know that it is definatly poison ivy, but its has been a week in a half since i touched it. When does it go away?? I went to the dr last week and she gave me a steriod shot and zertec to take. I have been putting everything I can think of that you can put on your arms that you can buy in the store! What else can I do this stuff iz driving me CRAZY!!!
yep it can be crazy itchy but relax. it should go away in a few days In the meantime you can buy some medication to relieve the itch temperoraily. You can also try some home rememdies like oatmeal baths. u can chcek online
yep it can be crazy itchy but relax. it should go away in a few days In the meantime you can buy some medication to relieve the itch temperoraily. You can also try some home rememdies like oatmeal baths. u can chcek online
Poison Ivy?
My Friends touched some poison ivy I told them not to touch it but they touched it any way. They touched me (not with the leaves there hands) and I am itchy. Would I have poison ivy or not? Do I just have it in my head?
Some one please help me!
Sorry, sweetie, it is your imagination...very similar to how people itch when someone else starts talking about lice. Poison ivy is not contagious (one person cannot get it from another). Please take a shower and try to stop thinking about the poison ivy. You will be find unless you touched the leaves too.
Some people have gotten it without touching it - so if you do get it, try these patches at
you can get a $3 discount when purchasing by putting in the code: EM12 in the promocode field after filling out shipping info.
Some one please help me!
Sorry, sweetie, it is your imagination...very similar to how people itch when someone else starts talking about lice. Poison ivy is not contagious (one person cannot get it from another). Please take a shower and try to stop thinking about the poison ivy. You will be find unless you touched the leaves too.
Some people have gotten it without touching it - so if you do get it, try these patches at
you can get a $3 discount when purchasing by putting in the code: EM12 in the promocode field after filling out shipping info.
Poison Ivy?
I'm becoming paranoid about this...I (unknowingly) got into it last Thursday, and started itching on Friday. The thing is, I really didn't realize it was poison ivy till around Saturday. So for basically 2 days I went about everything normal. I finally remembered what I wore that day, so I washed it. Threw out my shoes, wiped down surfaces. But I am so paranoid because people say that the oil can "live" for even a year or more! Obviously if I knew I had come in contact with it, I would have done everything then. . The worst I have it is my right arm, then some spots on my ankles and feet (flipflops..argh!) I'm taking Prednisone, and it is definitely clearing. But now I'm freaked that it's everywhere. It's obviously impossible to cover every last Sq. Ft. of my house. Suggestions?
Several years ago I worked burying cable lines underground. As part of my job I would often become exposed to Poison Ivy. One day I developed a horrible case of it. It spread all over my body and I became extremely uncomfortable. I tried Benedryl, Oatmeal… and just about everything I could find over the counter. I even went to a doctor, and she gave me some kind of prescription medicine. Even with the prescription my rash still did not go away.I looked online, and I read everything that I could find. Eventually I found an over the counter product called Technu. I ordered it online, but sometimes I see it at Walgreens. I was excited about this product because rather than simply covering up the rash, like other products are designed to do, the stuff I read about Technu said that it would enable me to suck the oil out of the rash. You take a shower, then apply Technu to the rash and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Then rinse the Technu off… . (Check the label for the exact instructions.) Here is how the process works as I understand it;
Poison Ivy leaves an oil that actually grows or multiplies under your skin. This process forms little pimple heads on your skin. Your skin becomes “itchy” because the pimple heads are expanding the skin. Unfortunately when you itch your skin you spread the oil, and ultimately more pimple heads are formed. The thing about Technu is that it enables you to actually suck the oil out of the pimple heads without having it spread to other parts of your body. It would seem that you could take a shower and simply wash the oil out, but for some reason soapy showers only seem to spread Poison Ivy. The stuff in Technu is obviously different from normal soap. Technu worked for me after I had a huge rash, but it seems to work even better if you use it immediately after being exposed to Poison Ivy. Anyway, from that point on I purchased Technu in bulk, and I kept it on my truck. If I ever had to work around Poison Ivy I would make it a point to apply Technu as soon as I could. From that point on I never had a problem with Poison Ivy ever again. Let me know how it works for you. PS, if any medical people read this I would be interested to see what you think. The doctor I went to didn't know about Technu, and I really don't know why... From what I've seen this is the cure for Poison Ivy. Period.
go to WebMD and look it up. That sight is always very helpful.
RELAX. You don't even need to throw the shoes out. The oil might stay around a while, but nothing at the level that will affect you.In order for it to get to your skin, the skin has to be receptive to the coating this oil makes. Normally your skin can ward off some of the poison ivy oil anyway (depending upon your skin condition).I'd say, just give the house a good cleaning like you would before a party or having guests over, and get some calamine lotion on the affected areas. I have also found that swimming in chlorinated pools keeps the skin dry enough that the poison ivy goes away fast.
There is now an over the counter med for poison ivy and oak check your local drug son is in boyscouts never leave home with out it on a camping trip!
Good Lord this is not the plague. As a healthcare provider (who incidently put a couple people today on predisone for this very reason) I don't know who told you this bunch of bull but you are working yourself into a lather for nothing. Quit...relax. I'm already feeling bad that you threw out your shoes. You needed to do none of this.
I know how you feel. I get it very bad. Like hospital bad. It was probably just on your cloths and shoes and you took care of that, so i would'nt worry too much. theres this stuff that firefighters use when they have to go in the woods. Its called "Tecnu". you can use it before you get exposed, and use it to wash after exposure. It works great. Oh, dont forget to wipe down the steering wheel and and door knobs.
You'll be fine. Be aware though that people who get a severe reaction to poison ivy should not eat mangoes since it belongs to the same family as poison ivy. I read that somewhere several years ago.
We just went through the same thing. My kids got into it, I wasnt even in the stuff and I got it on my neck. I was afraid to touch myself anyplace, afraid I'd get it there too. I washed all the kids shoes, clothes, bedding. We havent gotten it back. Im sure you're fine now.
There's no reason to be paranoid. Poison Ivy oils will only get on things that your clothing or shoes touched. What you need to do is just wash your contaminated clothes really good with the hottest water your clothes can stand without damaging them and a good detergent. You may want to wear disposable gloves and long sleeves to prevent any residual oils from touching you again when you wash. If your contaminated clothes touch any other clothes, you'll want to wash them, too. That should take care of the problem. It's good that you're taking Prednisone because that stuff works great for allergic reactions.Here is what to do if you get into Poison Ivy again and you realize you've been exposed. Within an hour of exposure, remove all your contaminated clothes and place them in a plastic bag to wash later. That way, they will not contaminate other clothing. Next, take a shower but under no circumstances DO NOT use hot water and soap first! Instead, rinse for 10 minutes with COLD water. Hot water opens up your pores and allows the oils to become more readily absorbed into your skin. Soap only helps spread them around. The cold water will be uncomfortable but it will wash off most of the oil. After the rinse, then you may wash with hot water and soap for another 10 minutes.
Ok... To get rid of the itch is easy... But I'm really not sure how to get rid of it unless lysol or something gets rid of it.. But for the itch it sounds pretty bad. This method also heals it some. Ok. You get a banana and peel it. Rub the inside of the skin on the infected areas. You should also go to the doctor to get antibiotics for it.
Several years ago I worked burying cable lines underground. As part of my job I would often become exposed to Poison Ivy. One day I developed a horrible case of it. It spread all over my body and I became extremely uncomfortable. I tried Benedryl, Oatmeal… and just about everything I could find over the counter. I even went to a doctor, and she gave me some kind of prescription medicine. Even with the prescription my rash still did not go away.I looked online, and I read everything that I could find. Eventually I found an over the counter product called Technu. I ordered it online, but sometimes I see it at Walgreens. I was excited about this product because rather than simply covering up the rash, like other products are designed to do, the stuff I read about Technu said that it would enable me to suck the oil out of the rash. You take a shower, then apply Technu to the rash and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Then rinse the Technu off… . (Check the label for the exact instructions.) Here is how the process works as I understand it;
Poison Ivy leaves an oil that actually grows or multiplies under your skin. This process forms little pimple heads on your skin. Your skin becomes “itchy” because the pimple heads are expanding the skin. Unfortunately when you itch your skin you spread the oil, and ultimately more pimple heads are formed. The thing about Technu is that it enables you to actually suck the oil out of the pimple heads without having it spread to other parts of your body. It would seem that you could take a shower and simply wash the oil out, but for some reason soapy showers only seem to spread Poison Ivy. The stuff in Technu is obviously different from normal soap. Technu worked for me after I had a huge rash, but it seems to work even better if you use it immediately after being exposed to Poison Ivy. Anyway, from that point on I purchased Technu in bulk, and I kept it on my truck. If I ever had to work around Poison Ivy I would make it a point to apply Technu as soon as I could. From that point on I never had a problem with Poison Ivy ever again. Let me know how it works for you. PS, if any medical people read this I would be interested to see what you think. The doctor I went to didn't know about Technu, and I really don't know why... From what I've seen this is the cure for Poison Ivy. Period.
go to WebMD and look it up. That sight is always very helpful.
RELAX. You don't even need to throw the shoes out. The oil might stay around a while, but nothing at the level that will affect you.In order for it to get to your skin, the skin has to be receptive to the coating this oil makes. Normally your skin can ward off some of the poison ivy oil anyway (depending upon your skin condition).I'd say, just give the house a good cleaning like you would before a party or having guests over, and get some calamine lotion on the affected areas. I have also found that swimming in chlorinated pools keeps the skin dry enough that the poison ivy goes away fast.
There is now an over the counter med for poison ivy and oak check your local drug son is in boyscouts never leave home with out it on a camping trip!
Good Lord this is not the plague. As a healthcare provider (who incidently put a couple people today on predisone for this very reason) I don't know who told you this bunch of bull but you are working yourself into a lather for nothing. Quit...relax. I'm already feeling bad that you threw out your shoes. You needed to do none of this.
I know how you feel. I get it very bad. Like hospital bad. It was probably just on your cloths and shoes and you took care of that, so i would'nt worry too much. theres this stuff that firefighters use when they have to go in the woods. Its called "Tecnu". you can use it before you get exposed, and use it to wash after exposure. It works great. Oh, dont forget to wipe down the steering wheel and and door knobs.
You'll be fine. Be aware though that people who get a severe reaction to poison ivy should not eat mangoes since it belongs to the same family as poison ivy. I read that somewhere several years ago.
We just went through the same thing. My kids got into it, I wasnt even in the stuff and I got it on my neck. I was afraid to touch myself anyplace, afraid I'd get it there too. I washed all the kids shoes, clothes, bedding. We havent gotten it back. Im sure you're fine now.
There's no reason to be paranoid. Poison Ivy oils will only get on things that your clothing or shoes touched. What you need to do is just wash your contaminated clothes really good with the hottest water your clothes can stand without damaging them and a good detergent. You may want to wear disposable gloves and long sleeves to prevent any residual oils from touching you again when you wash. If your contaminated clothes touch any other clothes, you'll want to wash them, too. That should take care of the problem. It's good that you're taking Prednisone because that stuff works great for allergic reactions.Here is what to do if you get into Poison Ivy again and you realize you've been exposed. Within an hour of exposure, remove all your contaminated clothes and place them in a plastic bag to wash later. That way, they will not contaminate other clothing. Next, take a shower but under no circumstances DO NOT use hot water and soap first! Instead, rinse for 10 minutes with COLD water. Hot water opens up your pores and allows the oils to become more readily absorbed into your skin. Soap only helps spread them around. The cold water will be uncomfortable but it will wash off most of the oil. After the rinse, then you may wash with hot water and soap for another 10 minutes.
Ok... To get rid of the itch is easy... But I'm really not sure how to get rid of it unless lysol or something gets rid of it.. But for the itch it sounds pretty bad. This method also heals it some. Ok. You get a banana and peel it. Rub the inside of the skin on the infected areas. You should also go to the doctor to get antibiotics for it.
Poison Ivy?
anyone know anything to put on a poison ivy rash to help it go away, and to take the itch away. I've tried hydrocortizone, calamine, pretty much every thing. Any tips?
Years ago we had something called fels-naptha soap that we used on poison ivy. It was a large single bar of brown soap that was wrapped in paper. If you can find some (I've included a website for you if you can't find it locally) buy a bar and keep in handy.Scrub the poison ivy to open the blisters and then lather up the fels-naptha soap and put the lather on the open blisters. Don't wash it off. Let it dry there. After a few hours you can wash it off and put the calamine lotion on it.After looking it up, I discovered that it is a laundry soap, so look there in your grocery store first. website will help you find a store in your area that sells it.
If over the counter medicines aren't helping, it's time to go to the doctor. You might benefit from a stronger hydrocortisone cream.
u need a shot,after u get the shot it is like day and nite.
Years ago we had something called fels-naptha soap that we used on poison ivy. It was a large single bar of brown soap that was wrapped in paper. If you can find some (I've included a website for you if you can't find it locally) buy a bar and keep in handy.Scrub the poison ivy to open the blisters and then lather up the fels-naptha soap and put the lather on the open blisters. Don't wash it off. Let it dry there. After a few hours you can wash it off and put the calamine lotion on it.After looking it up, I discovered that it is a laundry soap, so look there in your grocery store first. website will help you find a store in your area that sells it.
If over the counter medicines aren't helping, it's time to go to the doctor. You might benefit from a stronger hydrocortisone cream.
u need a shot,after u get the shot it is like day and nite.
Poison ivy?
I got poison ivy on my feet and was wearing sandals. Is it ok to wash the sandals thoroughly and wear them or do I need to throw them out?
I agree with the first guy. The allergen in Poison Ivy, urushiol, sticks to skin like mad but not much else. Any detergent should work fine, I had to clean out a large patch last year and had no relapses from improperly cleaned equipment.No other animal is allergic to poison ivy, and goats love to eat it. Nature's little joke. I am truly sorry for the pain you're goig through; I have been there too.
Yeah, you can wash them, just use a larger amount of detergent then you'd normally use. You want to make sure that the soap breaks down any oil from the Poison Ivy plant.
Also, if you can find it, get yourself a bar of Fels Naptha soap, make a really frothy lather and apply it to the areas you have blisters and let it dry, this helps dry out the poison ivy and the quicker you can do that, the quicker you will recover!
The last time I had poison ivy, I had it everywhere I had skin! (Yes, even there!)
I agree with the first guy. The allergen in Poison Ivy, urushiol, sticks to skin like mad but not much else. Any detergent should work fine, I had to clean out a large patch last year and had no relapses from improperly cleaned equipment.No other animal is allergic to poison ivy, and goats love to eat it. Nature's little joke. I am truly sorry for the pain you're goig through; I have been there too.
Yeah, you can wash them, just use a larger amount of detergent then you'd normally use. You want to make sure that the soap breaks down any oil from the Poison Ivy plant.
Also, if you can find it, get yourself a bar of Fels Naptha soap, make a really frothy lather and apply it to the areas you have blisters and let it dry, this helps dry out the poison ivy and the quicker you can do that, the quicker you will recover!
The last time I had poison ivy, I had it everywhere I had skin! (Yes, even there!)
Poison ivy?
I still have two scars on my legs from poison ivy from about two months ago. Don't scratch it. I had it all over my arms too. Soak in a hot bath of epsom salt. Take showers as hot as you can stand it. It relieves the itching-sort of takes it out. It really works. Be patient-it takes time to get rid of. A bath with baking soda helps too but I think the Epsom salt works better. I also used a hand sanitizer with aloe vera-that seemed to help a little. I do not wish poison ivy upon my worst enemy-miserable-just miserable. Benedryl will help you sleep. Benedryl cream should help too. A paste with baking soda and water will help but is kinda messy.
it itchs a lot and can be painfull
Pain in the ***!! I've got it right now!! %26gt;_%26lt;++++++
Late at night when I'm sleeping, poison ivy comes creeping around.
Poison ivy treatment??
I just got poison ivy all over my face. I need something that can dry it out and not cause much damage to my face. Thanks for the help!
If it is bad or near your eyes or mouth you should get a shot from a doctor which will help a lot. You can take Benadryl to reduce the allergic reaction and use over the counter creams with cortisone. There are some specially formulated with anti itch additions for poison ivy, Ask your druggist which one works best.
Maximum strength Cortizone 10. the creme w/aloe, not ointment.
Calomine lotion. See adoctor if it gets worse and try not to scratch it. Lanacaine might help for the itch. Important not to scratch.
If it is bad or near your eyes or mouth you should get a shot from a doctor which will help a lot. You can take Benadryl to reduce the allergic reaction and use over the counter creams with cortisone. There are some specially formulated with anti itch additions for poison ivy, Ask your druggist which one works best.
Maximum strength Cortizone 10. the creme w/aloe, not ointment.
Calomine lotion. See adoctor if it gets worse and try not to scratch it. Lanacaine might help for the itch. Important not to scratch.
Poison ivy near eye?
already been to the doctors and said to use eye drops and benadryl pills and cream and I washed my poison ivy but 3 days late because I didn't know what it was. My eye is going to shut completely soon. Please don't say go to the doctors or er. people don't listen. I don't care if you think I should but i might go to er tomorrow. don't say you definately should. is there any other way. if not and you say go to doctors or er DON'T LEAVE AN ANSWER. i HAVE ASKED THIS QUESTION BEFORE BUT THEY SAY DOCTOR OF ER ANYWAY. SHUT UP. please leave good details. thank you. and don't say I have angry issues in any form.
The reason people keep telling you that is that there really isn't anything you can do so close to the eye, and it's pretty serious when it starts covering your face like that. The doctor can give you a shot and steroid pills to help lessen your symptoms.Other than that, take cool showers and try not to scratch. Keep up with the Benadryl. It'll go away soon enough, and there really isn't anything at all that can be done to speed the healing. For the future, keep a bottle of Technu with you when you're in poison ivy infested areas and wash your hands and face with it often. The stuff is a miracle, and just rubbing it on and wiping it off with a piece of cloth works pretty well. I've had really good luck with a product called Domeboro when I've broken out, but it's probably not safe to use near the eyes. My sympathies to you; I just recently got over a rash that covered most of my face, so I know how miserable you must be right now.
The reason people keep telling you that is that there really isn't anything you can do so close to the eye, and it's pretty serious when it starts covering your face like that. The doctor can give you a shot and steroid pills to help lessen your symptoms.Other than that, take cool showers and try not to scratch. Keep up with the Benadryl. It'll go away soon enough, and there really isn't anything at all that can be done to speed the healing. For the future, keep a bottle of Technu with you when you're in poison ivy infested areas and wash your hands and face with it often. The stuff is a miracle, and just rubbing it on and wiping it off with a piece of cloth works pretty well. I've had really good luck with a product called Domeboro when I've broken out, but it's probably not safe to use near the eyes. My sympathies to you; I just recently got over a rash that covered most of my face, so I know how miserable you must be right now.
Poison Ivy in the bed.?
My boyfriend has poison ivy and has been sleeping in our bed. His poison ivy has spread and i know its because he has been sleeping on the same sheets since he had gotten it a few days ago. I dont have the time or money to keep washing a zillion sets of sheets everyday until he's over it. Any suggestions on what we can do to keep him from crawling into bed without contaminating the sheets on the bed?
Generally, it's the oils from the plant that cause the problem. So, if he's showered thoroughly since he's contracted the rash to remove all traces of the plant's oils from his skin, there should no longer be a problem of it spreading.
love, that could change whatever....
make him sleep on the floor or sofa wit the same contaminated sheets
Make him sleep on the floor.
Generally, it's the oils from the plant that cause the problem. So, if he's showered thoroughly since he's contracted the rash to remove all traces of the plant's oils from his skin, there should no longer be a problem of it spreading.
love, that could change whatever....
make him sleep on the floor or sofa wit the same contaminated sheets
Make him sleep on the floor.
Poison Ivy cures?
Any best home remedies products for poison ivy rashes?
URINE!!(just kidding lol) umm maybe try like soaking it in vodka ( im serious) i dont know for how long but they did it on mythbusters and it worked ( i think)
Try bathing in Epsom salt baths - but only if the rash is spread over a large portion of your body. Otherwise, avoid baths and instead take showers until the rash is healed. (Baths can help the rash to spread.) Make a poultice or a paste out of Epsom salts or colloidal oatmeal and place on the rash. Calamine lotion works great (and I think comes in a non-pink type now!). Try not to itch! Itching spreads it! Good luck! :)
URINE!!(just kidding lol) umm maybe try like soaking it in vodka ( im serious) i dont know for how long but they did it on mythbusters and it worked ( i think)
Try bathing in Epsom salt baths - but only if the rash is spread over a large portion of your body. Otherwise, avoid baths and instead take showers until the rash is healed. (Baths can help the rash to spread.) Make a poultice or a paste out of Epsom salts or colloidal oatmeal and place on the rash. Calamine lotion works great (and I think comes in a non-pink type now!). Try not to itch! Itching spreads it! Good luck! :)
Poison Ivy Cure - Impatiens?
As a child, it used to be my greatest foolish trick - rub a poison ivy leaf on my skin and watch the fear in my friends' eyes - and their utter amazement that I wouldn't ever get the rash.
27 years later, and covered head to toe, I'm apparently making up for lost time.
I've had this for 4 days, and it's beginning to blister. My elbows are so covered in rash, I can't bend them.
I've been to the doctor and got the cortisone shot, which has relieved some of the itching but not the burning pain. He's prescribed methlypredisolone, but it has huge mental side effects, and I'm frankly terrified of taking it. Calamine just seems to irritate my very sensitive skin.
I've heard that impatiens are a good natural remedy. Can you use regular impatiens, or does it have to be the touch-me-nots?THANKS!
Well, I'd go back to the doctor and tell him your fear and get an alternative medicine. I'm horribly allergic to poison ivy, and I get an old-fashioned prescription--it's called a dose pack--and it's some kind of steroid. You take like 5 tablets the first day, four the next and so forth.I don't know any home remedies that work. Get well soon.
get steroid shot or pills from doc
Someone told me, you should put the part in tomato juice for a while.
Yes, it works!
For a home remedy, try applying the crushed leaves of jewelweed (Impatiens capensis). The beauty of this home remedy is that jewelweed is a common weed in damp areas. This "treatment" may very well be growing right in your own backyard! Also cool compresses in one form or another are quite soothing. Try using a towel or wash cloth soaked in either plain tap water or Burow's Solution (an astringent solution -- you can make it yourself using Domeboro tablets or powder packets available over-the-counter). This can help relieve the intense itching and remove dry crust that has formed as a result of the rash. A fan blowing over the cool compress will diminish some of the heat of the itching and help to dry up some of the ooze coming from the rash. As the skin is cooling, the blood vessels compress and that cuts down on the itching and the new ooze. This is especially good during the two or three worst days of the rash. Along the same lines, some dermatologists recommend rubbing an ice cube gently over the rash several times a day, then letting the skin air dry. Soaking in a tub, particularly using an oatmeal bath such as Aveeno, can also be very soothing to the itch. Be sure the bath is cool or lukewarm -- but not hot -- as heat tends to make the rash even more inflamed.
27 years later, and covered head to toe, I'm apparently making up for lost time.
I've had this for 4 days, and it's beginning to blister. My elbows are so covered in rash, I can't bend them.
I've been to the doctor and got the cortisone shot, which has relieved some of the itching but not the burning pain. He's prescribed methlypredisolone, but it has huge mental side effects, and I'm frankly terrified of taking it. Calamine just seems to irritate my very sensitive skin.
I've heard that impatiens are a good natural remedy. Can you use regular impatiens, or does it have to be the touch-me-nots?THANKS!
Well, I'd go back to the doctor and tell him your fear and get an alternative medicine. I'm horribly allergic to poison ivy, and I get an old-fashioned prescription--it's called a dose pack--and it's some kind of steroid. You take like 5 tablets the first day, four the next and so forth.I don't know any home remedies that work. Get well soon.
get steroid shot or pills from doc
Someone told me, you should put the part in tomato juice for a while.
Yes, it works!
For a home remedy, try applying the crushed leaves of jewelweed (Impatiens capensis). The beauty of this home remedy is that jewelweed is a common weed in damp areas. This "treatment" may very well be growing right in your own backyard! Also cool compresses in one form or another are quite soothing. Try using a towel or wash cloth soaked in either plain tap water or Burow's Solution (an astringent solution -- you can make it yourself using Domeboro tablets or powder packets available over-the-counter). This can help relieve the intense itching and remove dry crust that has formed as a result of the rash. A fan blowing over the cool compress will diminish some of the heat of the itching and help to dry up some of the ooze coming from the rash. As the skin is cooling, the blood vessels compress and that cuts down on the itching and the new ooze. This is especially good during the two or three worst days of the rash. Along the same lines, some dermatologists recommend rubbing an ice cube gently over the rash several times a day, then letting the skin air dry. Soaking in a tub, particularly using an oatmeal bath such as Aveeno, can also be very soothing to the itch. Be sure the bath is cool or lukewarm -- but not hot -- as heat tends to make the rash even more inflamed.
Poison ivy ailments?
Please god this sucks so bad! Ive been putting bleach on it! Im a stratch addict and ive spread it EVERYWHERE!
first of all get your blow dryer out turn it on hot, go back and forth like when you blow dry your hair, this will help itching alot. then go to drug store or walmart get some zanfel. use as directed, I personally have some sumactin to spay on after the zanfel. I now do not have to go get shots everytime i get it .
Ever since I was a child, when the summer months roll around, I have gotten Poison Ivy. Lucky me. Some people aren't allergic to the urushiol chemical that's found in the oil on Poison Ivy leaves. Unfortunately, millions of people across the United States, including myself, are indeed allergic. So, people like us need to know some homemade remedies for Poison Ivy.Once your skin comes in contact with the Poison Ivy plant, the best thing you can do is to immediately wash the area with a grease-cutting dishwashing detergent and plenty of cool water. The dishwashing detergent will help break up and dissolve the oil. It's important to use cool water instead of warm, because the cool water won't open your pores. After you have thoroughly washed the area, flush it with more cool water. Hopefully, that will keep you from breaking out into the itchy red rash. If not, then here are some homemade remedies for Poison Ivy you can use to treat the outbreak. 1. "Rubbing" Out the Rash
Rubbing Alcohol is an effective homemade remedy for Poison Ivy. The alcohol not only helps stops the itching, but it will also dry up the watery blisters. Apply rubbing alcohol liberally to the affected areas of your skin several times a day. It will dry quickly and it won't leave a film or residue on your skin. 2. It's Tea Time!
To make a homemade remedy for a lot of skin that's affected by Poison Ivy, fill your bathtub up half full with hot water- as hot as you can stand it without burning your skin. Toss a couple dozen regular old tea bags into the water. Allow the tea bags to "steep" for a few minutes. Then, step into the hot water and swirl the tea around with your foot. Lie down and soak in the tea water for at least 30 minutes. If you have patches of the Poison Ivy rash on your head or face, use cotton balls to liberally apply the tea water to any affected areas. Once your soak is done, don't rinse off, just pat your skin dry. You can also soak in a bathtub half full of cool water and a half cup of baking soda. Or, try pouring a cup of oatmeal into the water instead. Baking soda and oatmeal are two popular, natural products that are often found in homemade remedies. 3. Vinegar To the Rescue
Apple Cider Vinegar is an amazing homemade remedy for many ailments. And, Poison Ivy is just another one of the ailments it can heal. To use Apple Cider Vinegar to relieve the red, itchy rash that Poison Ivy causes, apply it liberally to the affected areas. Do this several times a day, and soon your rash should disappear. 4. Aloe Vera Isn't Just For Burns
Breaking a leaf off an Aloe Vera plant and rubbing the juice directly on a burn helps cool the pain. It can also help relieve the itching and burning sensations that Poison Ivy causes.
first of all get your blow dryer out turn it on hot, go back and forth like when you blow dry your hair, this will help itching alot. then go to drug store or walmart get some zanfel. use as directed, I personally have some sumactin to spay on after the zanfel. I now do not have to go get shots everytime i get it .
Ever since I was a child, when the summer months roll around, I have gotten Poison Ivy. Lucky me. Some people aren't allergic to the urushiol chemical that's found in the oil on Poison Ivy leaves. Unfortunately, millions of people across the United States, including myself, are indeed allergic. So, people like us need to know some homemade remedies for Poison Ivy.Once your skin comes in contact with the Poison Ivy plant, the best thing you can do is to immediately wash the area with a grease-cutting dishwashing detergent and plenty of cool water. The dishwashing detergent will help break up and dissolve the oil. It's important to use cool water instead of warm, because the cool water won't open your pores. After you have thoroughly washed the area, flush it with more cool water. Hopefully, that will keep you from breaking out into the itchy red rash. If not, then here are some homemade remedies for Poison Ivy you can use to treat the outbreak. 1. "Rubbing" Out the Rash
Rubbing Alcohol is an effective homemade remedy for Poison Ivy. The alcohol not only helps stops the itching, but it will also dry up the watery blisters. Apply rubbing alcohol liberally to the affected areas of your skin several times a day. It will dry quickly and it won't leave a film or residue on your skin. 2. It's Tea Time!
To make a homemade remedy for a lot of skin that's affected by Poison Ivy, fill your bathtub up half full with hot water- as hot as you can stand it without burning your skin. Toss a couple dozen regular old tea bags into the water. Allow the tea bags to "steep" for a few minutes. Then, step into the hot water and swirl the tea around with your foot. Lie down and soak in the tea water for at least 30 minutes. If you have patches of the Poison Ivy rash on your head or face, use cotton balls to liberally apply the tea water to any affected areas. Once your soak is done, don't rinse off, just pat your skin dry. You can also soak in a bathtub half full of cool water and a half cup of baking soda. Or, try pouring a cup of oatmeal into the water instead. Baking soda and oatmeal are two popular, natural products that are often found in homemade remedies. 3. Vinegar To the Rescue
Apple Cider Vinegar is an amazing homemade remedy for many ailments. And, Poison Ivy is just another one of the ailments it can heal. To use Apple Cider Vinegar to relieve the red, itchy rash that Poison Ivy causes, apply it liberally to the affected areas. Do this several times a day, and soon your rash should disappear. 4. Aloe Vera Isn't Just For Burns
Breaking a leaf off an Aloe Vera plant and rubbing the juice directly on a burn helps cool the pain. It can also help relieve the itching and burning sensations that Poison Ivy causes.
Poison Ivy / Oak?
What is a good medicine? Please keep it under $7.
Soak in an oatmeal bath. I know it sounds gross but it works. You can find it in the pharmacy of any local store. I am extremely allergic to poison ivy and the only thing that helped was taking a bath in that. For me though the only thing that could cure it though was getting a cortizone shot, or taking related oral medicine. If you have insurance, this is the best way to go. All those other medicines dont do anything in my opinion.
Not sure if this is under 7 dollars but.Aveeno bath oatmeal is pretty good stuff. Also taking an antihistamine will dry up the ivy/oak to an extent...I know my relative had to go to the hospital because he had blotches of ivy/oak on him that were about 5 inches in diameter at least...They prescribe steroids for this usually.
Calamine lotion is a good skin cream for that.
Soak in an oatmeal bath. I know it sounds gross but it works. You can find it in the pharmacy of any local store. I am extremely allergic to poison ivy and the only thing that helped was taking a bath in that. For me though the only thing that could cure it though was getting a cortizone shot, or taking related oral medicine. If you have insurance, this is the best way to go. All those other medicines dont do anything in my opinion.
Not sure if this is under 7 dollars but.Aveeno bath oatmeal is pretty good stuff. Also taking an antihistamine will dry up the ivy/oak to an extent...I know my relative had to go to the hospital because he had blotches of ivy/oak on him that were about 5 inches in diameter at least...They prescribe steroids for this usually.
Calamine lotion is a good skin cream for that.
Poisen ivy?
whats the best way to get rid of it
dont touch it
any cream with antihistamine
Don't scratch it because it will spread. Get some Benedryl cream to stop the itch and dry it up faster.
it depends on how big your rash is. If you have a lot of it, go to doctor. Prescription strength cortisone ointment helps, as will prednisone pills if it is really bad. Other wise, try over the counter hydro-cortisone cream on the rash,%26 take benadryl for the itching at night. Good luck!
dont touch it
any cream with antihistamine
Don't scratch it because it will spread. Get some Benedryl cream to stop the itch and dry it up faster.
it depends on how big your rash is. If you have a lot of it, go to doctor. Prescription strength cortisone ointment helps, as will prednisone pills if it is really bad. Other wise, try over the counter hydro-cortisone cream on the rash,%26 take benadryl for the itching at night. Good luck!
Pneumonia in the elderly?
My nan has aggressive pneumonia. It has attacked the kidneys, one of her lungs has collapsed and she has just had a fit too. She is under sedation and on life support.Are there any nurses out there with experience of this?At the moment they are attempting to clean her blood but taking it out, cleaning it and putting it back.What will happen next? What are her chances??I am trying to juggle being with her (even though she doesnt know i am there), being with my family and having to come to work!
You don't give her age, but the fact that she is on dialysis and has had one lung collapse does not indicate a good outcome. I am sure they are aggressively treating the infection, and are trying to help her pulmonary issues through the use of a ventilator. The kidneys are failing as well, so the dialysis is necessary to remove the toxins from her system. Her recovery depends on many different things - the success of the antibiotics; how damaged her lungs and kidneys are; her health prior to this; and her will to live. If she is too weak to fight this, at some point other major organs will begin to shut down (liver, bladder, heart) and the doctors may ask the family if they want to suspend treatment. If she is going to recover, you should start seeing improvement soon. You need to communicate with her doctors and do so frequently. Perhaps it would be a good idea to ask her doctors exactly what you are asking in this forum. They will be able to give you better answers than we can. I am sorry she is going through this and wish all of you the best of luck.
-Collapsus 1 sioe of lung? may be also that is Tuberculosis or lung cancer?
-Pneumonia in elderly has a so bad pronostic
-With ventilation, then clean her.. after that is other complication such as skin ulcer, septicemia...
-All abilities of recover depend on her immunity, her takecare and nutrition, drugs resistance of bacteria ...
-your family should alternatively her take care
You don't give her age, but the fact that she is on dialysis and has had one lung collapse does not indicate a good outcome. I am sure they are aggressively treating the infection, and are trying to help her pulmonary issues through the use of a ventilator. The kidneys are failing as well, so the dialysis is necessary to remove the toxins from her system. Her recovery depends on many different things - the success of the antibiotics; how damaged her lungs and kidneys are; her health prior to this; and her will to live. If she is too weak to fight this, at some point other major organs will begin to shut down (liver, bladder, heart) and the doctors may ask the family if they want to suspend treatment. If she is going to recover, you should start seeing improvement soon. You need to communicate with her doctors and do so frequently. Perhaps it would be a good idea to ask her doctors exactly what you are asking in this forum. They will be able to give you better answers than we can. I am sorry she is going through this and wish all of you the best of luck.
-Collapsus 1 sioe of lung? may be also that is Tuberculosis or lung cancer?
-Pneumonia in elderly has a so bad pronostic
-With ventilation, then clean her.. after that is other complication such as skin ulcer, septicemia...
-All abilities of recover depend on her immunity, her takecare and nutrition, drugs resistance of bacteria ...
-your family should alternatively her take care
Plzz help!!?
actually today i had fallen down from stairs and a mark has appeared in my undereye something like red has appeared as if someone has beaten .and this incident is very bad for me because i have to attend a party after two days .suggest me any naturall way by which it can be vanished!and the person who will suggest me a remedy which will really work within two days the person will be rewarded as highest score.i promise!
tea bags are very good for healing bruises. they must be warm tea bags that have been in hot water. meat like raw steak-cut a small piece and place it under your eye for 20 minutes. these are old fashioned treatments that work but i do believe you need to do them the same days this happens. i am not sure if it works as well after that.
I would suggest going to the mall and asking someone at one of the makeup counters. That way they will let you try the samples and you can actually see what works. Good luck.
Try cold compresses and witch hazel.. You could soak a clean washcloth in witch hazel, freeze it, then apply it to the area for ten minutes every hour. This will help!
tea bags are very good for healing bruises. they must be warm tea bags that have been in hot water. meat like raw steak-cut a small piece and place it under your eye for 20 minutes. these are old fashioned treatments that work but i do believe you need to do them the same days this happens. i am not sure if it works as well after that.
I would suggest going to the mall and asking someone at one of the makeup counters. That way they will let you try the samples and you can actually see what works. Good luck.
Try cold compresses and witch hazel.. You could soak a clean washcloth in witch hazel, freeze it, then apply it to the area for ten minutes every hour. This will help!
Plze if anyone of u know any sites that could provide me with some examples about the public relation studies?
Answer: click the link above.on the side of the page has everything you need.
Plz READ properly: Y does my Dr leave me on the edge of anemia & won't infuse me with IRON until I drop below
the "guidlines", so that I spend MONTHS feeling lethargic %26unwell.
I have an immune deficiency.
I have recurring anemia because I SUFFER WITH ULCERATIVE COLITIS %26altho I have spoken with my doctor %26the specialist about how run down I feel, the blood tests they take each month show my iron levels to be "safe" %26they won't give me an IRON INFUSION until they deem it "unsafe" which happens about TWICE a year, EVERY year. Then I have a course of, 6-7 infusions, 1 a week. But after a short time I feel like pooh again.
I CAN'T TAKE ORAL IRON, it plays havock with my colitis.
Altho I have expressed my wish that they would give me an infusion, maybe 1 EVERY MONTH, rather than let me get to running on empty b4 they top me up, they just don't follow through with the idea, even though they agree it's a good solution.
I can't sleep %26have no stamina, I struggle with everything...Is this going to be my lot now until I die?I'm under NHS in UK, so u can't just up and see another doc/specialist
I don't know that I have THE answer you are looking for; but I'm anemic too and I feel your pain! Have you ever heard of iron pills that are specifically designed for bariatric patients? I don't like to take normal iron pills because of the gas they cause and the constipation. Look into the bariatric iron pills...they are designed and intended for people who have gastric sensitivities. Check out this's the first one that popped up when I searched it. Bless and I hope you find relief soon.
You didn't mention what the unsafe levels (as considered by the doctor) were. Usually anemia is considered severe if hemoglobin drops below 8 gm%. The reason I feel your doctors are reluctant to infuse iron, is because it is a potentially hazardous procedure. Moreover, patients can develop antibodies to the iron compound, that can cause severe reactions in subsequent transfusions ( the risk is more in your case, as you have another auto-immune disease). Once your colitis comes under control, you can probably be started on some oral iron supplementation. Exercise can stimulate red cell production %26 improve stamina, but it needs to be tailored according to your present capacity. Perhaps you should see a trainer or a physiotherapist, they might be able to prepare a regime for you. Take a look at the links below. Good luck!
I have an immune deficiency.
I have recurring anemia because I SUFFER WITH ULCERATIVE COLITIS %26altho I have spoken with my doctor %26the specialist about how run down I feel, the blood tests they take each month show my iron levels to be "safe" %26they won't give me an IRON INFUSION until they deem it "unsafe" which happens about TWICE a year, EVERY year. Then I have a course of, 6-7 infusions, 1 a week. But after a short time I feel like pooh again.
I CAN'T TAKE ORAL IRON, it plays havock with my colitis.
Altho I have expressed my wish that they would give me an infusion, maybe 1 EVERY MONTH, rather than let me get to running on empty b4 they top me up, they just don't follow through with the idea, even though they agree it's a good solution.
I can't sleep %26have no stamina, I struggle with everything...Is this going to be my lot now until I die?I'm under NHS in UK, so u can't just up and see another doc/specialist
I don't know that I have THE answer you are looking for; but I'm anemic too and I feel your pain! Have you ever heard of iron pills that are specifically designed for bariatric patients? I don't like to take normal iron pills because of the gas they cause and the constipation. Look into the bariatric iron pills...they are designed and intended for people who have gastric sensitivities. Check out this's the first one that popped up when I searched it. Bless and I hope you find relief soon.
You didn't mention what the unsafe levels (as considered by the doctor) were. Usually anemia is considered severe if hemoglobin drops below 8 gm%. The reason I feel your doctors are reluctant to infuse iron, is because it is a potentially hazardous procedure. Moreover, patients can develop antibodies to the iron compound, that can cause severe reactions in subsequent transfusions ( the risk is more in your case, as you have another auto-immune disease). Once your colitis comes under control, you can probably be started on some oral iron supplementation. Exercise can stimulate red cell production %26 improve stamina, but it needs to be tailored according to your present capacity. Perhaps you should see a trainer or a physiotherapist, they might be able to prepare a regime for you. Take a look at the links below. Good luck!
Plz help what is to be done if block appear even after bypass surgery?
Am writing this with gr8 pain. my papa had bypass surgery a year back but still he is not well.Doctors say that he had the symptoms of attack even after surgery.He has the pain frm his neck , teeth pain and pain in his shoulder.Doctor asked him to walk for 45 min ..but when he walk a 10 min...he started getting pain in his neck. we consulted 2 Doctors ...they say he might have doctor adviced for ct scanning...instead of angeograf..he says thats good for those persons who have done surgery.,,he says if the block is thin it can be cured by medicines and if its hard the surgery should be done again...we don't know what is good..plzzz tell us surgery is possible for a person who already had bypass surgery before..plzz do pray for my papa..
I work at a hospital where we do bypass surgeries almost daily. As the doctor said they can do a scan or a cardiac cath and determine the extent of the block. If it's small then they can open it with a balloon or place a stent (a small wire mesh that will press against the blockage) with medication to control the block. If the block is large then, yes, they can do another bypass to save his heart. Best Wishes! :)
yes i will pray for your dad.. cheer up =) have it checked so they will know what's the best options to do for the heart block..
There are medications to treat small blockages and there is also angioplasty to unblock the artery.This is almost always attempted, if it fails then they use surgery.I had open heart surgery and my heart goes out to your papa.I'll pray they are successful and he won't need another surgery.I'm not too sure I could go through that again.But in a matter of saving my life I guess I would but it would sure suck.Make sure you give him lots of hugs and keep up his spirits as he must be very scared.I'll pray you will have him for a long long time ok.
I work at a hospital where we do bypass surgeries almost daily. As the doctor said they can do a scan or a cardiac cath and determine the extent of the block. If it's small then they can open it with a balloon or place a stent (a small wire mesh that will press against the blockage) with medication to control the block. If the block is large then, yes, they can do another bypass to save his heart. Best Wishes! :)
yes i will pray for your dad.. cheer up =) have it checked so they will know what's the best options to do for the heart block..
There are medications to treat small blockages and there is also angioplasty to unblock the artery.This is almost always attempted, if it fails then they use surgery.I had open heart surgery and my heart goes out to your papa.I'll pray they are successful and he won't need another surgery.I'm not too sure I could go through that again.But in a matter of saving my life I guess I would but it would sure suck.Make sure you give him lots of hugs and keep up his spirits as he must be very scared.I'll pray you will have him for a long long time ok.
Plz help me if you know the answer coz it's really important?
well my friend has "frontal lope syndrome" for 4 years, and his doctor does not really know what to do with him, coz he has taken every drug you've heard of that involves the CNS, including "Morphine", and this syndrome has gone so far that his personality is not the same anymore, and he can't concentrate in studying at all.. anyways plz tell me anything about this disease and how to treat it... thnx in advance..
BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS WITH FRONTAL LOBE INJURY One of the specific behavior deficits following frontal lobe damage is attention disorder, patients showing distractibility and poor attention. They present with poor memory, sometimes referred to as "forgetting to remember." The thinking of patients with frontal lobe injury tends to be concrete, and they may show perseveration and stereotypy of their responses. The perseveration, with inability to switch from one line of thinking to another, leads to difficulties with arithmetic calculations, such as serial sevens or carryover subtraction.
check this web site:
BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS WITH FRONTAL LOBE INJURY One of the specific behavior deficits following frontal lobe damage is attention disorder, patients showing distractibility and poor attention. They present with poor memory, sometimes referred to as "forgetting to remember." The thinking of patients with frontal lobe injury tends to be concrete, and they may show perseveration and stereotypy of their responses. The perseveration, with inability to switch from one line of thinking to another, leads to difficulties with arithmetic calculations, such as serial sevens or carryover subtraction.
check this web site:
Plz define the following terms for me . itz important & ergent!?
1, thermoregulation
5,negative feedback model ...
so help me out ppl . i thank you.
Thermoregulation - it is a way to regulate temperature inside and out the body.Homeostasis - method of making internal environment equal to outside environment and vice versa.Evaporation - transformation of liquid state to gaseous state.Convection - it is a form of energy/heat release going out of the body. ( sponge bath principle )Negative feed back model - this one is difficult to discuss but i'll give you an example
On a condition where there is decrease thyroid hormones (T3%26T4) in the blood( hypothyroidism ).The hypothalamus secretes Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH) and send an impulse to pituitary gland to secrete
Thyroid realeasing hormone(TRH)The TRH stimulate the Thyroid gland to realease T3, T4With accumulation of T3 %26 T4 in the blood: they will send a NEGATIVE feedback to the hypothalamus to stop the secretion of TSH.THIS IS THE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK MODEL EXAMPLE:I can discuss the thermoregulation negative feedback, but it is very technical and confusing. You better look for it on the book to understand.
What's wrong with googling them yourself or using a dictionary?
5,negative feedback model ...
so help me out ppl . i thank you.
Thermoregulation - it is a way to regulate temperature inside and out the body.Homeostasis - method of making internal environment equal to outside environment and vice versa.Evaporation - transformation of liquid state to gaseous state.Convection - it is a form of energy/heat release going out of the body. ( sponge bath principle )Negative feed back model - this one is difficult to discuss but i'll give you an example
On a condition where there is decrease thyroid hormones (T3%26T4) in the blood( hypothyroidism ).The hypothalamus secretes Thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH) and send an impulse to pituitary gland to secrete
Thyroid realeasing hormone(TRH)The TRH stimulate the Thyroid gland to realease T3, T4With accumulation of T3 %26 T4 in the blood: they will send a NEGATIVE feedback to the hypothalamus to stop the secretion of TSH.THIS IS THE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK MODEL EXAMPLE:I can discuss the thermoregulation negative feedback, but it is very technical and confusing. You better look for it on the book to understand.
What's wrong with googling them yourself or using a dictionary?
Pluracy came back. He is 76?
He had pneumonia. They operated and cleaned the cavity out but it appears to be coming back. Does anyone have experience with this?
Did he have a history of stroke? If so he could have partially paralyzed or weak on one side throat muscles...this leads to swallowing difficulties and the food or liquid he takes in can go into his lungs instead of his stomach. It is called aspiration pneumonia. He would need to have a barium swallowing evaluation to find out if he needs to be on thickened liquids or if he should be eating/drinking by mouth at all. Go to a gastroenterologist to get this checked out if you think this could be the case.
Has he been diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, includes emphysema) or other lung conditions? Productive cough, shortness of breath? Usually an underlying undiagnosed condition would cause repetition with this. Good luck. Does he have a pulmonologist?
Did he have a history of stroke? If so he could have partially paralyzed or weak on one side throat muscles...this leads to swallowing difficulties and the food or liquid he takes in can go into his lungs instead of his stomach. It is called aspiration pneumonia. He would need to have a barium swallowing evaluation to find out if he needs to be on thickened liquids or if he should be eating/drinking by mouth at all. Go to a gastroenterologist to get this checked out if you think this could be the case.
Has he been diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, includes emphysema) or other lung conditions? Productive cough, shortness of breath? Usually an underlying undiagnosed condition would cause repetition with this. Good luck. Does he have a pulmonologist?
Pls what is the safe range in millimoles for blood sugal level?
mg/dL times 0.05551 equals mmol/L - mmol/L times 18 equals mg/dL. mmol/L are Systeme Internationale (SI) Units used everywhere except the United States where we arrogantly make use of our own unique laboratory values. For a non-diabetic the range of blood glucose during a 24 hour period irrespective of what how much or when you eat is 3.9 to 7.8 mmol/L (70 to 140 mg/dL). Again - this is the normal range for a non-diabetic. The 'safe' range is not easily defined. Glucose may be elevated for a variety of reasons besides diabetes. Most patients with glucose levels of 28 mmol/L (504 mg/dL) do not feel particularly bad and I once had a patient walk into the Emergency Department with a glucose level of 80 mmol/L (1440 mg/dL). In the vast majority of cases the harm from elevations in glucose occurs over many years with glucose values that are not dramatic - for example 11 mmol/L (198 mg/dL). No glucose level outside of the normal range appears to be safe and all glucose levels outside of the normal range eventually lead to harm. Low blood glucose may cause people to collapse but seldom leads to serious problems. All diabetics with good control have periodic episodes of hypoglycemia. The glucose level at which people become symptomatic is variable but most people feel poorly when the blood glucose is below 2.8 mmol/L (50 mg/dL).
This is a serious question, don't ask it here, look it up on Google.
Between 4-7 is normal range.
The range will vary from person to person. Usually it's best to consult with your doctor to establish an acceptable range. Check the first link below for the American Diabetes Assocation.The second link below gives you a general idea of what the acceptable ranges are (at least in mg/dL).
The third link below has a converter that allows you to convert between mg/dL and mmol/L (or vice-versa).
ask a doctor or a nurse.
Pls provide the complete address and phone no. of Dr. Prithvi Singh Tomer in a village of Hapur?
Im looking for the same. If you find his number, plz lemme knw too.
I saw his program on zee news - kaal kapaal mahakaal. wat abt u?hav u hrd abt him? is he gud?
Pls help.. I feel like dying!?
My brain feels like its locked. What shud i do?? I cant think.. And i feel very sad because of my exam results. I cant think now, help me unlock my brain
i feel your very sad for your exam result,i feel that too long ago,i advice eat more go out with your friends go to the movie or anywhere that makes you happy and forget your exam result,later your mind will restore.. good luck!
I am a psychology professor at Princeton and I suggest seeing a doctor fast. You might have a brain disease that is just now showing. Tell your doctor your symptoms. My guess would be alsheimers. Good Luck and remember to vote me best answer!
hey...dun be the previous me...I juz gotten my results today..i only pass 2 subjects...but i feel that i can improve u too...dun give up...strive hard.go talk to ur teacher or parents or any close friends..Where are u from? i am from singapore...pls contact me if u nid any help
try bashing your head in with a hammer
it might help but or it might make it even worse
If you can't think its probably 'cos your brain has done too much thinking recently - exams are tough even if you ace them. You really need to rest - and I don't mean lying in a dark room freakin' out and getting into bad negative thoughts and feelings.Try distracting your self with some thing mechanical (but fun preferably!) like sports (skating, swimming, bashing a tennis ball up the garage wall till your arm feels like its gonna fall off!)
You could dig the garden, go running or even get jammed to the computer with a game you love (but physical effort is better!)What you have got to try to focus on is that everything is temporary! Good or bad - The only constant is change.When things are shitty it seems like nothing will ever improve and you can't recall feeling happy but that too is temporary.You can tough this out - by reaching out for other people's help you have done a smart thing and realised you need a break and some one to talk to.Don't isolate yourself - you'll find others who feel like this too, and that will put your current problems into perspective.Please respond to this message in a while so I can know you're all right- or at least still here and toughing it out!Keep your pecker up! (as we Brits say)
i feel your very sad for your exam result,i feel that too long ago,i advice eat more go out with your friends go to the movie or anywhere that makes you happy and forget your exam result,later your mind will restore.. good luck!
I am a psychology professor at Princeton and I suggest seeing a doctor fast. You might have a brain disease that is just now showing. Tell your doctor your symptoms. My guess would be alsheimers. Good Luck and remember to vote me best answer!
hey...dun be the previous me...I juz gotten my results today..i only pass 2 subjects...but i feel that i can improve u too...dun give up...strive hard.go talk to ur teacher or parents or any close friends..Where are u from? i am from singapore...pls contact me if u nid any help
try bashing your head in with a hammer
it might help but or it might make it even worse
If you can't think its probably 'cos your brain has done too much thinking recently - exams are tough even if you ace them. You really need to rest - and I don't mean lying in a dark room freakin' out and getting into bad negative thoughts and feelings.Try distracting your self with some thing mechanical (but fun preferably!) like sports (skating, swimming, bashing a tennis ball up the garage wall till your arm feels like its gonna fall off!)
You could dig the garden, go running or even get jammed to the computer with a game you love (but physical effort is better!)What you have got to try to focus on is that everything is temporary! Good or bad - The only constant is change.When things are shitty it seems like nothing will ever improve and you can't recall feeling happy but that too is temporary.You can tough this out - by reaching out for other people's help you have done a smart thing and realised you need a break and some one to talk to.Don't isolate yourself - you'll find others who feel like this too, and that will put your current problems into perspective.Please respond to this message in a while so I can know you're all right- or at least still here and toughing it out!Keep your pecker up! (as we Brits say)
Pls help me out!!i always face problem with cold...pls find the solution...?
i always have cold i mean running nose...from younger itself i m facing problems like if there is cold weather than i get cold and fever,if i eat ice creams or more oily things vising problem starts and also dust i m 17 yrs old and still facing same problem i want to get rid of it.,..pls tell me how to get rid of this cold..i would be thankful to u people if u wud suggest me any home made medicine..,i have tried all homeopathy medicines but it didnt work...pls help me out...thanks a lot.
If you have Deviated nasal septum (DNS), please rule out all allergic factors before considering an operation is quite extreme.Get the basic 'pricking' test to see what you are allergic to. if it is mostly pollen allergy, you can take local honey instead of those allergy shot series. Your local pollens are represented in the local honey, which can probably be found at your Farmer's Market. It will take several months to build your immunity up from local honey, but this is still less expensive than those shots. If it is something like tree-bark allergy or pet dander, I don't know of any workaround to the shots.For your home:
- get a HEPA filter for your bedroom and change the filter religiously.
- Don't buy those 'ionic breeze' filters...those are only good for odors and produce harmful ozones, which can actually make the environment more toxic for you.
- Move your mattress up higher if it is currently low to the floor. Most allergan activity occurs near ground level.
- Switch to natural cleaners. Most household cleaners in the supermarket leave behind toxic fumes that can aggravate your allergies.
- Consider switching from carpet to hardwood floors with non-toxic finishes
- Get one of those 'roomba' robots and schedule it to clean when you are not home.
If you have Deviated nasal septum (DNS), please rule out all allergic factors before considering an operation is quite extreme.Get the basic 'pricking' test to see what you are allergic to. if it is mostly pollen allergy, you can take local honey instead of those allergy shot series. Your local pollens are represented in the local honey, which can probably be found at your Farmer's Market. It will take several months to build your immunity up from local honey, but this is still less expensive than those shots. If it is something like tree-bark allergy or pet dander, I don't know of any workaround to the shots.For your home:
- get a HEPA filter for your bedroom and change the filter religiously.
- Don't buy those 'ionic breeze' filters...those are only good for odors and produce harmful ozones, which can actually make the environment more toxic for you.
- Move your mattress up higher if it is currently low to the floor. Most allergan activity occurs near ground level.
- Switch to natural cleaners. Most household cleaners in the supermarket leave behind toxic fumes that can aggravate your allergies.
- Consider switching from carpet to hardwood floors with non-toxic finishes
- Get one of those 'roomba' robots and schedule it to clean when you are not home.
Pls help me its uregent why doesnt anyone answer my questions?
hi all.look i have a bad feeling behind my head and its particualry in left side of my head,its not like pain but seems its itchy from inside i have itchy feeling in my throat and left ear aswell,i have pain in my neck ,sometimes i feel pain in center and right part of my head a kind of pain that shocks me and vanishes soon,the pain continues in to my eyes,and rarely i feel pain in my arm and feet,i had temprature changes i have gone to doctor my medication just finished and nothing yet the doc said its an infection but common i took three pages of amoxi cilin and 3 ampulas of cefazolin how come its not ok yet?i scare can it be brain tumor?or what please if you ever had same expereince let me know,i dont wanna die,i have told my father to take me to nurologist but it takes time couse ct scan and mri scan are probable and they are expensive he cant afford it i gotta wait till next week help me
Please go to the doctor. No one here can really help - just give you our advice. Start with a general practitioner for a second opinion who may or may not suggest going to a specialist. It isn't worth the money you save if your health is at stake. And don't assume the worst - you could have something less serious like migraines or an infection that just needs more antibiotics. Panicking will generally make any symptoms you have worse.Good luck!
Overexposure to aluminum compounds鈥攊n foil, cookware, deodorants, antacids, toothpaste鈥攃an affect brain function
u av nits
wish i could help u friend but the only thing i can suggest is that u get back to your doctor and tell him what really scares u about this,there could be a number of things which could be causing all the pain,my mother was complaing of headaches on a monday and suddenly she passed away on wednesday,brain hemorage,and she was only 46, so dont risk not going back to the docs ok.i wish u all the best
sounds like sinus to me. are you old enough to make any decisions for yourself. Get plenty of fresh air and exercise. Eat three meals a day and drink plenty of water. Use a saline nose spray to keep your nose and sinus balanced. Sinus and migraines have those symptoms. Showering daily helps too- keeps you hydrated and washes off any irritants or pollens you have come in contact with during the day. Do you have sense of smell- is it distorted? If you are in school you should be able to ask for help from the school nurse. Take care.
dont be scared, i had an AVM,an arterial vein malfuntion and had brain surgery twice i had head-aches and some pain but not much i was born with it and didnt even know i had it until i had a grand mall seizure i had cat scans mri,s been through all of it if you have been taking antibiotics it doesnt sound like anything even close antibiotics are for will be ok...God Bless and good luck
First of all, it is highly unlikely that you have a brain tumor. Brain tumors generally show up with different symptoms. However, you may have a lingering infection. Is you white cell count up?
Do go and see a different doctor. Go to the emergency room, but do something. If you don't have the money, go anyway and arrange for payments. It's not worth risking your health for money reason, yet millions of people do - very unfortunate. Keep us posted.
I know you are scared at this point but you have to wait and give the antibiotics time to work. That can take approximately ten days. If you have a sinus infection it can make you feel like crap and hurts really bad all around your head and throat.I think you are having little pains that are normal but because you are scared you are associating them with the pains in your head. You're afraid you have a brain tumor and will die but that isn't likely. It takes time to get an appointment with a Neuorologist; you can't just go the day you decide you need to. I'm sure your father is looking out for you and will get additional help as soon as he can. Relax and take it easy and you'll be better soon.
It may sound silly but go to your dentist. I had same symptons and turned out I had an abcess in a wisdom tooth. That's what was causing the swelling and the itching in throat and ears. The antibiotics may not have worked because you need different antibiotics for abcesses. Good Luck.
Most of your symptoms do sound like a sinus infection. There are sinus cavities throughout the front half of your head and if they become congested and infected you will have nasty headaches, particulary behind the forehead, eyes, cheeks and often in the upper teeth, and drainage in your throat that can make it itchy. Since the ears are connected to the same system, the infection may be in them as well. Antibiotics should cure the situation provided they are antibiotics that are effective against it and provided they are taken in the appropriate doses for the duration of a full course (usually 10 days for penicillins and cephalosporins). You may need a broader spectrum antibiotic than you have been given. The pain that "shocks and vanishes soon" is pretty common with a sinus infection and is caused by a build-up of pressure in the sinuses that reaches peak and suddenly lets go. Sometimes sinus infections require a decongestent to help them resolve--often it's not enough to treat the infection; the symptomatic congestion needs to be treated too for the patient to experience relief. I hope this helps you to feel more comfortable about your doctor's chosen course of treatment and perhaps emboldens you to ask about a decongestant and, if the situation doesn't resolve in the coming week, perhaps a different antibiotic. I hope you feel better soon.
Please go to the doctor. No one here can really help - just give you our advice. Start with a general practitioner for a second opinion who may or may not suggest going to a specialist. It isn't worth the money you save if your health is at stake. And don't assume the worst - you could have something less serious like migraines or an infection that just needs more antibiotics. Panicking will generally make any symptoms you have worse.Good luck!
Overexposure to aluminum compounds鈥攊n foil, cookware, deodorants, antacids, toothpaste鈥攃an affect brain function
u av nits
wish i could help u friend but the only thing i can suggest is that u get back to your doctor and tell him what really scares u about this,there could be a number of things which could be causing all the pain,my mother was complaing of headaches on a monday and suddenly she passed away on wednesday,brain hemorage,and she was only 46, so dont risk not going back to the docs ok.i wish u all the best
sounds like sinus to me. are you old enough to make any decisions for yourself. Get plenty of fresh air and exercise. Eat three meals a day and drink plenty of water. Use a saline nose spray to keep your nose and sinus balanced. Sinus and migraines have those symptoms. Showering daily helps too- keeps you hydrated and washes off any irritants or pollens you have come in contact with during the day. Do you have sense of smell- is it distorted? If you are in school you should be able to ask for help from the school nurse. Take care.
dont be scared, i had an AVM,an arterial vein malfuntion and had brain surgery twice i had head-aches and some pain but not much i was born with it and didnt even know i had it until i had a grand mall seizure i had cat scans mri,s been through all of it if you have been taking antibiotics it doesnt sound like anything even close antibiotics are for will be ok...God Bless and good luck
First of all, it is highly unlikely that you have a brain tumor. Brain tumors generally show up with different symptoms. However, you may have a lingering infection. Is you white cell count up?
Do go and see a different doctor. Go to the emergency room, but do something. If you don't have the money, go anyway and arrange for payments. It's not worth risking your health for money reason, yet millions of people do - very unfortunate. Keep us posted.
I know you are scared at this point but you have to wait and give the antibiotics time to work. That can take approximately ten days. If you have a sinus infection it can make you feel like crap and hurts really bad all around your head and throat.I think you are having little pains that are normal but because you are scared you are associating them with the pains in your head. You're afraid you have a brain tumor and will die but that isn't likely. It takes time to get an appointment with a Neuorologist; you can't just go the day you decide you need to. I'm sure your father is looking out for you and will get additional help as soon as he can. Relax and take it easy and you'll be better soon.
It may sound silly but go to your dentist. I had same symptons and turned out I had an abcess in a wisdom tooth. That's what was causing the swelling and the itching in throat and ears. The antibiotics may not have worked because you need different antibiotics for abcesses. Good Luck.
Most of your symptoms do sound like a sinus infection. There are sinus cavities throughout the front half of your head and if they become congested and infected you will have nasty headaches, particulary behind the forehead, eyes, cheeks and often in the upper teeth, and drainage in your throat that can make it itchy. Since the ears are connected to the same system, the infection may be in them as well. Antibiotics should cure the situation provided they are antibiotics that are effective against it and provided they are taken in the appropriate doses for the duration of a full course (usually 10 days for penicillins and cephalosporins). You may need a broader spectrum antibiotic than you have been given. The pain that "shocks and vanishes soon" is pretty common with a sinus infection and is caused by a build-up of pressure in the sinuses that reaches peak and suddenly lets go. Sometimes sinus infections require a decongestent to help them resolve--often it's not enough to treat the infection; the symptomatic congestion needs to be treated too for the patient to experience relief. I hope this helps you to feel more comfortable about your doctor's chosen course of treatment and perhaps emboldens you to ask about a decongestant and, if the situation doesn't resolve in the coming week, perhaps a different antibiotic. I hope you feel better soon.
PLs help its emergency?
My mother who is 84 years old by mistake drank few drops of baygon mosqito killing liquid poison with water instead of putting her medicine in water she putted this posion, she took 6 drops, just half an hour ago, pls help, tell me what should i do and will she die? there is no hospital nearbby, tell me how can i save her at home
Call poison control immediately. Do not induce vomiting unless they tell you otherwise. Poison control will ask you for the ingredients and be able to tell you exactly what to do.
Is she acting different? does she have nausea? any type of symptom?1-800-222-1222 (poison control)
call poison control1-800-222-1222
Call the Poison Control Center!! They can tell you what to do.
If she collapses or stops breathing, call 911!
Call Poison Control and /or 911!
Call poison control immediately. Do not induce vomiting unless they tell you otherwise. Poison control will ask you for the ingredients and be able to tell you exactly what to do.
Is she acting different? does she have nausea? any type of symptom?1-800-222-1222 (poison control)
call poison control1-800-222-1222
Call the Poison Control Center!! They can tell you what to do.
If she collapses or stops breathing, call 911!
Call Poison Control and /or 911!
A couple days ago I was in terrible pain and could not breath right at all. It was hurting to much. The ambulance came and picked me up in the middle of the night. In the emergency room I was diagnosed with pleuritis and received 3 morphine shots to ease the pain. I got released next morning with strong pain killers and because of them I slept almost during a whole week.
Question: what causes a pleuritis? How to avoid this?I never ever want to go through this kind of pain again,Thanks for helpful answers.
I've had it twice--but never since I stopped smoking.
It is an infection of the lining around your lungs,and its usually associated with were lucky not to have both.There is no real way to prevent it, but smoking will definitely make your lungs more susceptible to all types of lung problems. And avoid places with lots of smoke or pollutants, like bars.
Treatment and prevention is based on what caused the inflammation,and infection of the lining of the chest cavity. Causes may be from trauma,inhaling fumes,or exposure to asbestos,previous episodes of lung infections like pneumonia's or a collapsed lung,cardiac muscle inflammation and several more. I had a mild case myself,and thought I was going to die! Most important that you keep up proper lung function,and continue with any respiratory therapy given at the hosp,like using your deep breathing techniques and any breathing exercise device,and being able to clear any chest congestion you may still have.Follow up with your MD,and report any difficulties. Take care. SW RNP
pleurtis-inflammation lining around the lungs sharp chest pain upon breathing in,cough,chest,tenderness shortness of causes high fever spikes,fatigue,salmon-colored rash or can be manage with pain medication by external splinting of the chest wall.checkup with your doctor.take care.
Can pleurisy be prevented?Pleurisy can be prevented, depending on its cause. For example, early intervention in treating pneumonia may prevent the accumulation of pleural fluid. In the case of heart, lung, or kidney disease, management of the underlying disease can help prevent the fluid collection.
pleurisy refers to the inflammation(irritation, swelling, stickiness)of the pleura.Pleurisy is not a disease,but a simptom of another condition(virus or bacterial infection).Inflammtion of the pleura can lead to fluid build up( between the two layers)know as pleural effusion.during inflammation,sticky,fibrous material accummulates over the pleural surfaces,resulting in the layers rubbing against(friction rub) each other during breathing and causing chest pain.sometimes the inflammation is dry,(dry pleurisy).CAUSE :INFECTIONS(viruses,bacteria,p... tuberculosis);CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASES;ORGAN FAILURES(pancreatitis,cirhosis... failure);CANCER(breast/broncho... carcinoma);CHEMICAL-asbestos;O... emboli-blood clot to the lungs).TREATMENT:treat underlying disorder;rest;oxygen,if levels are low;aspirin and other NSAIDs(ibuprofen,indocin)are effective in reducing the infflammation,fever and pain;painkillers such as codein can help;in severe pain,a nerve block is performed using a numbing agent(xylocaine)that is injected into the nerves between the ribs for temporary relief of pain;therapeutic THORACENTESIS is done to remove the effusion,which helps breathing.HOPE IT HELPS U.BE WELL!
Pleurisy(pleuritis) can be caused by following conditions:a) Infections: bacterial (including those that cause tuberculosis), fungus, parasites or viruses.b)Inhaled chemicals or toxic substances: exposure to some cleaning agents like ammoniac)Collagen vascular diseases: lupus, rheumatoid arthritisd)Cancers: for ex., the spread of lung cancer or breast cancer to the pleura.e)Tumors of the pleura: mesothelioma or sarcomaf)Congestion:heart failureg)Pulmonary embolism: blood clot inside the blood vessels to the lungs. These clot sometimes severely reduce blood and oxygen to portions of the to lung and can result in death to that portion of lung tissue.h)Obstruction of lymph channels: as a result of centrally located lung tumorsi)Trauma: rib fractures or irritation from chest tubes used to drain air or fluid from the pleural cavity in the chestj)Certain drugs: drugs that can cause lupus like syndromes such as( Hydralazine, Procan,Dilantin, and others)k)Abdominal processes: such as pancreatis, cirrhosis of the liverl)Lung infarction: lung tissue death due to lack of oxygen from poor blood supplyPleurisy(pleuritis) can be prevented, depending on its cause. For example, early intervention in treating pneumonia may prevent the accumulation of pleural fluid. In the case of heart, lung or kidney disease, management of the underlying disease can help prevent the fluid collection.Take care...
Question: what causes a pleuritis? How to avoid this?I never ever want to go through this kind of pain again,Thanks for helpful answers.
I've had it twice--but never since I stopped smoking.
It is an infection of the lining around your lungs,and its usually associated with were lucky not to have both.There is no real way to prevent it, but smoking will definitely make your lungs more susceptible to all types of lung problems. And avoid places with lots of smoke or pollutants, like bars.
Treatment and prevention is based on what caused the inflammation,and infection of the lining of the chest cavity. Causes may be from trauma,inhaling fumes,or exposure to asbestos,previous episodes of lung infections like pneumonia's or a collapsed lung,cardiac muscle inflammation and several more. I had a mild case myself,and thought I was going to die! Most important that you keep up proper lung function,and continue with any respiratory therapy given at the hosp,like using your deep breathing techniques and any breathing exercise device,and being able to clear any chest congestion you may still have.Follow up with your MD,and report any difficulties. Take care. SW RNP
pleurtis-inflammation lining around the lungs sharp chest pain upon breathing in,cough,chest,tenderness shortness of causes high fever spikes,fatigue,salmon-colored rash or can be manage with pain medication by external splinting of the chest wall.checkup with your doctor.take care.
Can pleurisy be prevented?Pleurisy can be prevented, depending on its cause. For example, early intervention in treating pneumonia may prevent the accumulation of pleural fluid. In the case of heart, lung, or kidney disease, management of the underlying disease can help prevent the fluid collection.
pleurisy refers to the inflammation(irritation, swelling, stickiness)of the pleura.Pleurisy is not a disease,but a simptom of another condition(virus or bacterial infection).Inflammtion of the pleura can lead to fluid build up( between the two layers)know as pleural effusion.during inflammation,sticky,fibrous material accummulates over the pleural surfaces,resulting in the layers rubbing against(friction rub) each other during breathing and causing chest pain.sometimes the inflammation is dry,(dry pleurisy).CAUSE :INFECTIONS(viruses,bacteria,p... tuberculosis);CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASES;ORGAN FAILURES(pancreatitis,cirhosis... failure);CANCER(breast/broncho... carcinoma);CHEMICAL-asbestos;O... emboli-blood clot to the lungs).TREATMENT:treat underlying disorder;rest;oxygen,if levels are low;aspirin and other NSAIDs(ibuprofen,indocin)are effective in reducing the infflammation,fever and pain;painkillers such as codein can help;in severe pain,a nerve block is performed using a numbing agent(xylocaine)that is injected into the nerves between the ribs for temporary relief of pain;therapeutic THORACENTESIS is done to remove the effusion,which helps breathing.HOPE IT HELPS U.BE WELL!
Pleurisy(pleuritis) can be caused by following conditions:a) Infections: bacterial (including those that cause tuberculosis), fungus, parasites or viruses.b)Inhaled chemicals or toxic substances: exposure to some cleaning agents like ammoniac)Collagen vascular diseases: lupus, rheumatoid arthritisd)Cancers: for ex., the spread of lung cancer or breast cancer to the pleura.e)Tumors of the pleura: mesothelioma or sarcomaf)Congestion:heart failureg)Pulmonary embolism: blood clot inside the blood vessels to the lungs. These clot sometimes severely reduce blood and oxygen to portions of the to lung and can result in death to that portion of lung tissue.h)Obstruction of lymph channels: as a result of centrally located lung tumorsi)Trauma: rib fractures or irritation from chest tubes used to drain air or fluid from the pleural cavity in the chestj)Certain drugs: drugs that can cause lupus like syndromes such as( Hydralazine, Procan,Dilantin, and others)k)Abdominal processes: such as pancreatis, cirrhosis of the liverl)Lung infarction: lung tissue death due to lack of oxygen from poor blood supplyPleurisy(pleuritis) can be prevented, depending on its cause. For example, early intervention in treating pneumonia may prevent the accumulation of pleural fluid. In the case of heart, lung or kidney disease, management of the underlying disease can help prevent the fluid collection.Take care...
Plenty of epithelial cell?
My co-employee didn't have her monthly period for almost four months and her lab tests indicated there that she has plenty of epithelial cell. What does it mean and can you give me the possibilty diagnosis of her condition? Thanks...
Epithlial cells as far as I know are skin cells. Presumably this means when they took the swabs she had a lot of dead skin around that area.
I am assuming that you mean a wet prep, or some type of smear was done. I don't know where you work, but I hope your co-worker wants you to have this information. Have you heard of HIPAA?
Epithlial cells as far as I know are skin cells. Presumably this means when they took the swabs she had a lot of dead skin around that area.
I am assuming that you mean a wet prep, or some type of smear was done. I don't know where you work, but I hope your co-worker wants you to have this information. Have you heard of HIPAA?
Pleease help asap?
I have a really bad cold and nose has been runny and I have been sneezing alot .inside of my right nostral started to burn figured because "I have been blowing so much come to find out I have what initally looked like a pimple .tryed to pop it and saw that it was a blister type thing bigger one and little ones surrounding it ...does anyone know what this could be?
Sounds like a cold sore was brought on by irritating the membranes with frequent nose blowing.
(Also called herpes type1). That nasty little virus just lays dormant in your body and appears when you have a lot of stress, dental work, or other irritation.
It will pass. But it hurts for a few days. There is an over the counter med called Abreva that costs about $15 that truly shortens the life of a cold sore and relieves symptoms.
its some kind of infection, i would got to the doctor
It could have been caused by the abrasion of the repetative nose blowing. Try tissues with balms on them.
Sounds like a cold sore was brought on by irritating the membranes with frequent nose blowing.
(Also called herpes type1). That nasty little virus just lays dormant in your body and appears when you have a lot of stress, dental work, or other irritation.
It will pass. But it hurts for a few days. There is an over the counter med called Abreva that costs about $15 that truly shortens the life of a cold sore and relieves symptoms.
its some kind of infection, i would got to the doctor
It could have been caused by the abrasion of the repetative nose blowing. Try tissues with balms on them.
Pleases advice..I'm having a veri bad cough..wat cough mixture helps?
I'm tried many different types but didnt seem help at all..Dr said viral infection..took tablet for dissolving phlegm..but still coughing veri badly..please helppp...
cough has more than one cause. Regular mixtures and medication treat the symptoms but not the case itself. You have to consult a specialist. Don't underestimate it.
sounds like you need a better doctor, he should have given you something with codine in it by perscription.
honey i just got over one and what i did is just layed in my bed with a box of tissues a whole lot of movies and a nice cup of jasmine tea and my coughs gone
Check back with your doctor. There are many types of meds and disorders. Only if he sees you and can diagnose the exact problem can you get help.
If your a christian call on the Great Physician. otherwise, If your 21 or older get a bottle of Jack Daniels and drink a glass of it then take a nap. It,l be burned out of you in no time.
drink plenty and plenty and plenty of water... eat more veggies and fruits specially citruses. Their vitamin C boosts your immune system and will fight the viruses. Get sleep! Cough mixtures only helps cure you but its what you eat that affects it more.get well soon!
Here are a few simple home remedies that will help to overcome cough. Have honey in a hot drink before bed time.To relieve fits of coughing due to dryness in the throat, suck a few pepper corns. Check out for more remedies and information.
Forget about medicine.Write a will.
SIMPLE LINCTUS is the best cough medicine i know i swear by it when i have had a chest infection can cant stop coughing i use this and t ALWAYS works.Try adding it into hot water and drink it is even better that way!
cough has more than one cause. Regular mixtures and medication treat the symptoms but not the case itself. You have to consult a specialist. Don't underestimate it.
sounds like you need a better doctor, he should have given you something with codine in it by perscription.
honey i just got over one and what i did is just layed in my bed with a box of tissues a whole lot of movies and a nice cup of jasmine tea and my coughs gone
Check back with your doctor. There are many types of meds and disorders. Only if he sees you and can diagnose the exact problem can you get help.
If your a christian call on the Great Physician. otherwise, If your 21 or older get a bottle of Jack Daniels and drink a glass of it then take a nap. It,l be burned out of you in no time.
drink plenty and plenty and plenty of water... eat more veggies and fruits specially citruses. Their vitamin C boosts your immune system and will fight the viruses. Get sleep! Cough mixtures only helps cure you but its what you eat that affects it more.get well soon!
Here are a few simple home remedies that will help to overcome cough. Have honey in a hot drink before bed time.To relieve fits of coughing due to dryness in the throat, suck a few pepper corns. Check out for more remedies and information.
Forget about medicine.Write a will.
SIMPLE LINCTUS is the best cough medicine i know i swear by it when i have had a chest infection can cant stop coughing i use this and t ALWAYS works.Try adding it into hot water and drink it is even better that way!
Pleaseeeeee somenone help me with acne?
i have had acne for the past 1 year and a half and i have tried soooooooooooo many different things benzoyl peroxide salicic acid they take it away but then it comes back i jus want it to be gone foreverrrrrrrrr pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee someone really really help me im desperate
err...its not going to go away forever unless you can either completely avoid stress...or stop can try to prevent it thoughUniversity Mediacal kinda has a proactiv kinda approach...their stuff works on my girlfriendPersonally, I use noxema blackhead scrub, burt's bees Garden Tomato Toner (can find at a natural food store), and Clearasil Ultra for problem spots.the thing that sucks is that you have to be persistent...wash at least 2 times a day...but no more than 3 b/c u dont wanna strip ur skin of its oils...this summer will be better bud-dont worry
I went to the derm. and she gave me a combination of Differin and Klaron. The Differin cream is amazing, although I'd say it took about a month to work. I didn't get any bad "purging" which worsened acne, it just got steadily better. It works by somehow interfering with the growth of skin cells, so your skin keeps getting better and better and STAYS that way. It works better mixing with Benzoyl Peroxide. Klaron was an antibiotic and moisturiser. Good stuff. This was all that worked with my small but persistent acne. Now people comment on my flawless skin :]
Have you tried Acnefree, it is pretty good you should give it a try!
Market America carries a product called Preva Derm. The Benefits of this product are:Supports the immune system
Reduces redness associated with acne:
Promotes the healing / repair of minor skin damage caused by blemishes
Promotes the healing / repair of minor damage to skin cells caused by blemishes/acne.
Supports a healthy complexion
Helps maintain a smooth %26 even toned complexion
Helps maintain a clear complexion
Provides anti-oxidant defense
Helps maintain healthy skin at the cellular level
Neutralize the effects of the inflammation mediator lipopolysacharides (LPS) (which is released by acne-related bacteria)
Demonstrates anti-inflammatory activity to assist in normalizing reddened or swollen skin.
Enhances the body's natural defenses against acne causing bacteriaWhat Makes This Product Unique?Many people believe that acne is caused by stress, dead skin cells, oily skin or diet; these however, are not the primary cause of acne. While these could all be factors that contribute to acne, the only known cause of acne is bacteria. Since there are so many factors involved in what causes acne and there are many different types of acne there is a huge spectrum of solutions. For those who have mild acne, the topical cleansers and toners work just fine. On the other hand, for those who fight a constant battle with acne, there is a need for maximum anti-blemish support that goes deep within the skin starting at the root of the problem. PrevaDermTM Anti-Blemish Formula manages acne from the inside out. It boosts the immune system and supports the body's natural defense against acne causing bacteria. By treating acne at its source you can be confident that you are addressing the problem - not just covering it up. PrevaDermTM also promotes the repair of minor damage caused by blemishes. It will work to normalize reddened and swollen skin and promote healthy skin at the cellular level. PrevaDermTM will safely enhance the body's natural defenses against acne causing bacteria. PrevaDermTM will even help even out your complexion and help you maintain a smooth and even toned complexion.On the most important days, it never fails: your greatest nemesis appears and you cannot ignore it. It seems to attack your face at full force at the most inconvenient times. Of course, this attacker is none other than the common adversary known as acne. Acne can affect your physical and emotional well-being. The embarrassment, insecurity and frustration associated with acne are very real issues that we have all experienced. For those with mild cases of acne, topical cleansers, toners and prescription creams are suitable. However, those who have a regular struggle with acne need maximum anti-blemish support. PrevaDermTM Anti-Blemish Formula, an all-natural formula, provides this maximum support by reducing the redness associated with acne, promoting the healing and repair of minor skin damage caused by blemishes, supporting and maintaining a healthy complexion and supporting the body's natural ability to detoxify itself of acne-causing impurities*.To better understand how PrevaDerm works, it helps to understand how acne develops. Many people believe that acne is caused by stress, dead skin cells, oily skin and a poor diet. While these could all be factors, they are not the primary reason. One of the main causes of acne is bacteria. The substances that fill the narrow follicles in the skin may produce a plug, which is an early sign of acne. When the pore, or the opening of the follicle, is blocked, the mixture of oil and cells allows bacteria that normally live on the skin to grow in the plugged follicles. These bacteria produce chemicals and enzymes and attract white blood cells that cause inflammation. When the wall of the plugged follicle breaks down, it spills everything into the nearby skin - sebum, shed skin cells, and bacteria - leading to pimples. People with acne frequently have a variety of lesions. The basic acne lesion, the comedo, is an enlarged and plugged hair follicle. If the plugged follicle, or comedo, stays beneath the skin, it is called a closed comedo and produces a white bump called a whitehead. A comedo that reaches the surface of the skin and opens up is called an open comedo. An open comedo is otherwise known as a blackhead, due to its black appearance on the skin's surface. This black discoloration is not dirt as commonly believed; it is actually due to changes in sebum as it is exposed to air.PrevaDerm: The functions and ingredients
PrevaDerm enhances the body's natural defenses against acne-causing bacteria and neutralizes the effects of the inflammation mediator lipopolysacharides (LPS), which is released by acne-related bacteria, causing redness and swollen areas on the skin. By simply taking two capsules daily, PrevaDerm nourishes the skin from the inside out in four ways: enhancing the body's natural defenses against bacteria, helping reduce redness associated with a poor complexion, promoting the repair of minor skin damage caused by acne, and detoxifying the body of acne-causing impurities to support a healthy complexion*. The main ingredient, Praventin TM, is a patent pending proprietary bioactive protein complex rich in Lactoferrin. Lactoferrin plays a supportive role in nourishing the skin from the inside through three mechanisms: anti-microbial (enhances the body's natural defenses against bacteria), anti-inflammatory (helps assist reduction in redness associated with a poor complexion), and antioxidant (helps aid the repair of damaged skin cells from blemishes).
Cysteine Peption, the other ingredient used in all-natural PrevaDerm, is a milk-derived ingredient that supports healthy skin by allowing your body to produce glutathione, an antioxidant. Glutathione is essential for supporting normal detoxification. Cysteine is incorporated into tri-peptide, glutathione and other proteins. To gain more info on this product and others please log on to I hope this helps! Good luck!
Wash your face frequently with soap and lots of water and try to use lemons, yes lemons, just cut it in half and rub the juice into your skin , this will dry your skin out. About once a day and see if it helps ? If you brake out more discontinue. Hope I t helps.
I have had acne since I was nine years old, and am now 13. Its a horrible thing, especially if you are young, but it gets better. The best thing that I can reccomend is to see a dermatologist ASAP. My derm gave me a prescription for clindagel, differin, and a brevoxyl wash that really work. Of course, I still have acne, but it's manageable. He just gave me a prescription for an oral antibiotic that is working wonders for my skin. Ask your derm about all of those things.In the meantime, I suggest that you get these products.
Always stay with a good product line that is preferred by dermatologists, such as Neutrogena.Get a light moisturizer that you will apply twice a day,
A Cetaphil face wash,
An advanced treatment, like the Neutrogena microclear or the Clean and Clear advanced acne gel.When your derm gives you a prescription, it is important that you stop using all of those above products except for the moisturizer. Moisturizer is VITAL. Keep the advanced treatment, but only apply on a major pimple, not your whole face, and sparingly.Water is key is maintaining a healthy complexion.Sweetheart, don't worry. It WILL get better. Get some skinclearing makeup(Neutrogena), and cover up the embarassing pimples, and you'll feel better, I promise.
err...its not going to go away forever unless you can either completely avoid stress...or stop can try to prevent it thoughUniversity Mediacal kinda has a proactiv kinda approach...their stuff works on my girlfriendPersonally, I use noxema blackhead scrub, burt's bees Garden Tomato Toner (can find at a natural food store), and Clearasil Ultra for problem spots.the thing that sucks is that you have to be persistent...wash at least 2 times a day...but no more than 3 b/c u dont wanna strip ur skin of its oils...this summer will be better bud-dont worry
I went to the derm. and she gave me a combination of Differin and Klaron. The Differin cream is amazing, although I'd say it took about a month to work. I didn't get any bad "purging" which worsened acne, it just got steadily better. It works by somehow interfering with the growth of skin cells, so your skin keeps getting better and better and STAYS that way. It works better mixing with Benzoyl Peroxide. Klaron was an antibiotic and moisturiser. Good stuff. This was all that worked with my small but persistent acne. Now people comment on my flawless skin :]
Have you tried Acnefree, it is pretty good you should give it a try!
Market America carries a product called Preva Derm. The Benefits of this product are:Supports the immune system
Reduces redness associated with acne:
Promotes the healing / repair of minor skin damage caused by blemishes
Promotes the healing / repair of minor damage to skin cells caused by blemishes/acne.
Supports a healthy complexion
Helps maintain a smooth %26 even toned complexion
Helps maintain a clear complexion
Provides anti-oxidant defense
Helps maintain healthy skin at the cellular level
Neutralize the effects of the inflammation mediator lipopolysacharides (LPS) (which is released by acne-related bacteria)
Demonstrates anti-inflammatory activity to assist in normalizing reddened or swollen skin.
Enhances the body's natural defenses against acne causing bacteriaWhat Makes This Product Unique?Many people believe that acne is caused by stress, dead skin cells, oily skin or diet; these however, are not the primary cause of acne. While these could all be factors that contribute to acne, the only known cause of acne is bacteria. Since there are so many factors involved in what causes acne and there are many different types of acne there is a huge spectrum of solutions. For those who have mild acne, the topical cleansers and toners work just fine. On the other hand, for those who fight a constant battle with acne, there is a need for maximum anti-blemish support that goes deep within the skin starting at the root of the problem. PrevaDermTM Anti-Blemish Formula manages acne from the inside out. It boosts the immune system and supports the body's natural defense against acne causing bacteria. By treating acne at its source you can be confident that you are addressing the problem - not just covering it up. PrevaDermTM also promotes the repair of minor damage caused by blemishes. It will work to normalize reddened and swollen skin and promote healthy skin at the cellular level. PrevaDermTM will safely enhance the body's natural defenses against acne causing bacteria. PrevaDermTM will even help even out your complexion and help you maintain a smooth and even toned complexion.On the most important days, it never fails: your greatest nemesis appears and you cannot ignore it. It seems to attack your face at full force at the most inconvenient times. Of course, this attacker is none other than the common adversary known as acne. Acne can affect your physical and emotional well-being. The embarrassment, insecurity and frustration associated with acne are very real issues that we have all experienced. For those with mild cases of acne, topical cleansers, toners and prescription creams are suitable. However, those who have a regular struggle with acne need maximum anti-blemish support. PrevaDermTM Anti-Blemish Formula, an all-natural formula, provides this maximum support by reducing the redness associated with acne, promoting the healing and repair of minor skin damage caused by blemishes, supporting and maintaining a healthy complexion and supporting the body's natural ability to detoxify itself of acne-causing impurities*.To better understand how PrevaDerm works, it helps to understand how acne develops. Many people believe that acne is caused by stress, dead skin cells, oily skin and a poor diet. While these could all be factors, they are not the primary reason. One of the main causes of acne is bacteria. The substances that fill the narrow follicles in the skin may produce a plug, which is an early sign of acne. When the pore, or the opening of the follicle, is blocked, the mixture of oil and cells allows bacteria that normally live on the skin to grow in the plugged follicles. These bacteria produce chemicals and enzymes and attract white blood cells that cause inflammation. When the wall of the plugged follicle breaks down, it spills everything into the nearby skin - sebum, shed skin cells, and bacteria - leading to pimples. People with acne frequently have a variety of lesions. The basic acne lesion, the comedo, is an enlarged and plugged hair follicle. If the plugged follicle, or comedo, stays beneath the skin, it is called a closed comedo and produces a white bump called a whitehead. A comedo that reaches the surface of the skin and opens up is called an open comedo. An open comedo is otherwise known as a blackhead, due to its black appearance on the skin's surface. This black discoloration is not dirt as commonly believed; it is actually due to changes in sebum as it is exposed to air.PrevaDerm: The functions and ingredients
PrevaDerm enhances the body's natural defenses against acne-causing bacteria and neutralizes the effects of the inflammation mediator lipopolysacharides (LPS), which is released by acne-related bacteria, causing redness and swollen areas on the skin. By simply taking two capsules daily, PrevaDerm nourishes the skin from the inside out in four ways: enhancing the body's natural defenses against bacteria, helping reduce redness associated with a poor complexion, promoting the repair of minor skin damage caused by acne, and detoxifying the body of acne-causing impurities to support a healthy complexion*. The main ingredient, Praventin TM, is a patent pending proprietary bioactive protein complex rich in Lactoferrin. Lactoferrin plays a supportive role in nourishing the skin from the inside through three mechanisms: anti-microbial (enhances the body's natural defenses against bacteria), anti-inflammatory (helps assist reduction in redness associated with a poor complexion), and antioxidant (helps aid the repair of damaged skin cells from blemishes).
Cysteine Peption, the other ingredient used in all-natural PrevaDerm, is a milk-derived ingredient that supports healthy skin by allowing your body to produce glutathione, an antioxidant. Glutathione is essential for supporting normal detoxification. Cysteine is incorporated into tri-peptide, glutathione and other proteins. To gain more info on this product and others please log on to I hope this helps! Good luck!
Wash your face frequently with soap and lots of water and try to use lemons, yes lemons, just cut it in half and rub the juice into your skin , this will dry your skin out. About once a day and see if it helps ? If you brake out more discontinue. Hope I t helps.
I have had acne since I was nine years old, and am now 13. Its a horrible thing, especially if you are young, but it gets better. The best thing that I can reccomend is to see a dermatologist ASAP. My derm gave me a prescription for clindagel, differin, and a brevoxyl wash that really work. Of course, I still have acne, but it's manageable. He just gave me a prescription for an oral antibiotic that is working wonders for my skin. Ask your derm about all of those things.In the meantime, I suggest that you get these products.
Always stay with a good product line that is preferred by dermatologists, such as Neutrogena.Get a light moisturizer that you will apply twice a day,
A Cetaphil face wash,
An advanced treatment, like the Neutrogena microclear or the Clean and Clear advanced acne gel.When your derm gives you a prescription, it is important that you stop using all of those above products except for the moisturizer. Moisturizer is VITAL. Keep the advanced treatment, but only apply on a major pimple, not your whole face, and sparingly.Water is key is maintaining a healthy complexion.Sweetheart, don't worry. It WILL get better. Get some skinclearing makeup(Neutrogena), and cover up the embarassing pimples, and you'll feel better, I promise.
Please, only medical pros answer. My husband's father & his father's 2 siblings had abdominal aortic aneurysm
My husband's father %26 his fathers 2 siblings all had abdominal aortic aneurysms(sp?). My husband's father was 63, his aunt is about 78; his uncle was about 72 when diagnosed. My husband had a stomach ultrasound approximately 4 years ago. There were no signs of an abdominal aortic aneursym. His mother and her side of the family have no abdominal or any kind of aneurysms. What are my husband's chances of getting this?
Personally I do not believe that abdominal aortic aneurysm is genetically related. Some diseases run in the family because they have similar health practices, eat the same food prepared, live in the same environment thus are exposed to the factors that may cause the problem.Unknown to many, blood vessel walls become weak due to the stress exerted by the blood running inside it. When the blood becomes acidic and more viscous, it exerts greater pressure against the wall of the bld vessel particularly the arteries since the artery is the vessel that requires pressure to circulate blood throughout the body. This causes injury on the vessel walls making then weak and fragile to develop aneurysm and rupture to cause immediate bleeding.So try to study the health history of ur husband's clan/family. Where did they live when they were younger? Urban or rural? Any industrial plants in their locality? What is their principal beverage? Coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, favorite food, etc? If they were exposed to acidifying substances then the risk of having vessel damage will be there.Ur husband is negative of aortic aneurysm as of the latest ultrasound report. So keep the risk away. Stay away from the substances I mentioned earlier esp coffee, tea, sodas, chocolates and alcoholic beverages. These are dehydrating agents and therefore make the blood more viscous and thick. When this happens, greater pressure is required by the heart to push/pump the blood throughout the body. Addition to it, drink more water and keep the body well hydrated thru this method. Dissolve 1/4 tsp of sea salt to 1 quart of water. Salt retains water in the body and so will hydrate the body more efficiently. Drink the water as follows: Depending on the size of the person: Take 16-24 ounces upon waking up in the morning, 8-16 ounces half hr before every meal, and 2 and a half hrs after meals, then 16-24 ounces at bedtime. Replace every urination with 8 ounces of water. When the body is well hydrated, there will be more water in the blood vessels and thereby diluting the blood to its optimal consistency. Blood flow will be better and easier and will cause less stress and injury to the blood vessel wall and prevents the vessel walls from weakening and ballooning into aneurysms.Add abt 350 mg of magnesium daily. This will strengthen the vessel walls, correct the damaged linings of the vessel walls and it is also an anti-coagulant.
this question is for his doctor. AAA can happen to anyone.
about 1 in 16
Personally I do not believe that abdominal aortic aneurysm is genetically related. Some diseases run in the family because they have similar health practices, eat the same food prepared, live in the same environment thus are exposed to the factors that may cause the problem.Unknown to many, blood vessel walls become weak due to the stress exerted by the blood running inside it. When the blood becomes acidic and more viscous, it exerts greater pressure against the wall of the bld vessel particularly the arteries since the artery is the vessel that requires pressure to circulate blood throughout the body. This causes injury on the vessel walls making then weak and fragile to develop aneurysm and rupture to cause immediate bleeding.So try to study the health history of ur husband's clan/family. Where did they live when they were younger? Urban or rural? Any industrial plants in their locality? What is their principal beverage? Coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, favorite food, etc? If they were exposed to acidifying substances then the risk of having vessel damage will be there.Ur husband is negative of aortic aneurysm as of the latest ultrasound report. So keep the risk away. Stay away from the substances I mentioned earlier esp coffee, tea, sodas, chocolates and alcoholic beverages. These are dehydrating agents and therefore make the blood more viscous and thick. When this happens, greater pressure is required by the heart to push/pump the blood throughout the body. Addition to it, drink more water and keep the body well hydrated thru this method. Dissolve 1/4 tsp of sea salt to 1 quart of water. Salt retains water in the body and so will hydrate the body more efficiently. Drink the water as follows: Depending on the size of the person: Take 16-24 ounces upon waking up in the morning, 8-16 ounces half hr before every meal, and 2 and a half hrs after meals, then 16-24 ounces at bedtime. Replace every urination with 8 ounces of water. When the body is well hydrated, there will be more water in the blood vessels and thereby diluting the blood to its optimal consistency. Blood flow will be better and easier and will cause less stress and injury to the blood vessel wall and prevents the vessel walls from weakening and ballooning into aneurysms.Add abt 350 mg of magnesium daily. This will strengthen the vessel walls, correct the damaged linings of the vessel walls and it is also an anti-coagulant.
this question is for his doctor. AAA can happen to anyone.
about 1 in 16
Please tell me what to expect with scoliosis surgery?
my son needs scoliosis surgery any one have this and what are we to expect is it good or bad
my son who is 3 had a spinal fusion with rods in january of this year. his scoliosis was at a greater than 90 degree curvature. his scoliosis was very high in his spine-cervical/thoracic area, so he had to be in halo so his neck would not move until everything healed. the healing process is long but he was only in the hospital for about five days and of course right after surgery there was alot of swelling, which went away pretty quickly. his degree of curvature now is 46-huge improvement!! i don't know the specifics with your son, but i know there are other options like casting or bracing. i know that if the degree is greater than 50 usually surgery needs to be done and the doctors do like to wait until the child is done growing because once the bones in the spine are fused together that area in the spine will not grow, but in my son's case they could not wait because his was so severe. well i hope this answered some of your questions. good luck!!
I got this surgery when I was 13 years old. I'm now 19.Your son will experience a lot of discomfort, and the healing process is long. The hardest part is trying to get comfortable and learning to walk again, and he'll likely miss about a month of school unless he gets it done in the Summer.I'm thankful that I got it done because, otherwise, my back would be in really bad shape right now. I was only in the hospital for six days and I was walking after three days. It was amazing.After about a month I was able to go back to school and walk for long periods of time and even went to a school dance. The only things that were limited for me were contact sports and heavy lifting, as well as skiing and horsebackriding. A lot of those things your son will be able to do after an extended period of time, just ask your doctor.I really think he'll be fine and you're doing what's best.
my son who is 3 had a spinal fusion with rods in january of this year. his scoliosis was at a greater than 90 degree curvature. his scoliosis was very high in his spine-cervical/thoracic area, so he had to be in halo so his neck would not move until everything healed. the healing process is long but he was only in the hospital for about five days and of course right after surgery there was alot of swelling, which went away pretty quickly. his degree of curvature now is 46-huge improvement!! i don't know the specifics with your son, but i know there are other options like casting or bracing. i know that if the degree is greater than 50 usually surgery needs to be done and the doctors do like to wait until the child is done growing because once the bones in the spine are fused together that area in the spine will not grow, but in my son's case they could not wait because his was so severe. well i hope this answered some of your questions. good luck!!
I got this surgery when I was 13 years old. I'm now 19.Your son will experience a lot of discomfort, and the healing process is long. The hardest part is trying to get comfortable and learning to walk again, and he'll likely miss about a month of school unless he gets it done in the Summer.I'm thankful that I got it done because, otherwise, my back would be in really bad shape right now. I was only in the hospital for six days and I was walking after three days. It was amazing.After about a month I was able to go back to school and walk for long periods of time and even went to a school dance. The only things that were limited for me were contact sports and heavy lifting, as well as skiing and horsebackriding. A lot of those things your son will be able to do after an extended period of time, just ask your doctor.I really think he'll be fine and you're doing what's best.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Please tell me more about Molluscum Contagiosum.?
My doctor thinks i have molluscum contagiosum in the gential area, commonly misdiagnosed as HPV or genital warts. I was just wondering if any of you have Molluscum Contagiosum and if you can tell me your personal story. I just found out that i had this yesterday. My doctor took a biopsy yesterday and i will find out the true results in a week. I just wanted to ask. I pray to god they are not genital warts!!
I hope so too, for your sake!
Molluscum contagiosum can be seen in children and adults, it can be transmitted by contact. I have seen it personally on a child and it was everywhere.
Not trying to prescribe but, Xantac has been seen to clear up these bumps within one week. (this is off label use, of course) Ask your doctor about recent studies about this and appropriate dosing.
God bless
I hope so too, for your sake!
Molluscum contagiosum can be seen in children and adults, it can be transmitted by contact. I have seen it personally on a child and it was everywhere.
Not trying to prescribe but, Xantac has been seen to clear up these bumps within one week. (this is off label use, of course) Ask your doctor about recent studies about this and appropriate dosing.
God bless
Please tell me how to use insulin pen(NOVORAPID NOVOLET)?
I am a case of IDDM get use of syringe I want to use insulin pen novorapid novolet.please guide me in an easy way how to use it?I have no access to medical care for this application.
God bless you
This site has a video showing how to use it:
return to the pharmacist for assistance. never leave a pharmacy or doctor's office without fully understanding how to use your meds.
I hope if you will visit this site , get good answers .
God bless you
This site has a video showing how to use it:
return to the pharmacist for assistance. never leave a pharmacy or doctor's office without fully understanding how to use your meds.
I hope if you will visit this site , get good answers .
Please tell me how can 谋 stop the smell of garlic after 谋 ate it while 谋 was kissing my girlfriend?
lol infectious disease...
try listerine, various mints, or brush ur teeth really quickly.
Chew some parsley
Dont eat garlic if you're planning to meet your girlfriend.
Fresh lemon juice and some parsley will change that. The odor is coming from your stomach mainly not your mouth, so only a chewing gum wont do.
I hear that chewing on parsley helps..If you're lucky it will be a garnish with your dinner!Mary
Please tell me do i have cancer?
hi i have this spot on my body and i have already been to a dermatologist to let him see it, and he claims it is some kind of non cancerous tumor there. it just appeared out of no where one day. my question is if hes right and it isnt cancer or a big deal then why would it disapear alot then keep reapearing, like it is back again now and it was gone for about 3 months. thats what worrie me is it keeps coming back and in the same spot to. it hurts alot. it is a black blood bubble looking thing and around that theres a splotch of red almost like a wierd shaped circle. it looks like blood in the middle of it, i asked that doctor was it a busted blood vesel, and he said no. im worried cause now it is bigger than last time so please help me please give me info to research im scared. my whole dads family is dead from cancer right now. thanx and bye
you def. need a second opinion. DId your dermatologist do any tests or did he just guess? It might not be cancerous because usually those bumps dont go away like urs have. Maybe it is some other skin problem that needs treatment.
I would:
1. go to another dermatologist and tell them what you told us
2. go to a cancer specialist and get it throughly checked outRemember, they might not be able to tell you why it happened, but they should KNOW what it is and how to get rid of it. And it hurts? You really need to tell them that
Skin cancer doesn't appear and re-appear, typically. Once it has a hold of you, it doesn't let go. It does sound like you need to have that looked at by a better doctor.
Your dermatologist doesn't sound like he is explaining everything to you. You need to know your options. Can you have it removed and if so how much will insurance cover. Ask your primary care physician for the name of another dermatologist. Preferably a woman.Go to see her with a list of questions and write each answer down. Sometimes we get overwhelmed at the doctors and forget some of what they said.
Your question is for a medical specialist and not for a site such as this, as its hard to tell when answers are posted if the poster has any relevant medical qualifications.As with any doctor / patient relationship you are entitled to another opinion, go and get one.
The only qualified person you should listen too is a doctor. If you suspect something is wrong, go to your original doctor and explain the symptoms. If you feel uncomfortable with the answer then get a second opinion from another doctor. If you still feel uncomfortable get a third opinion. But keep in mind if all 3 say the same thing...that will need to satisfy your worries. Good luck!
you def. need a second opinion. DId your dermatologist do any tests or did he just guess? It might not be cancerous because usually those bumps dont go away like urs have. Maybe it is some other skin problem that needs treatment.
I would:
1. go to another dermatologist and tell them what you told us
2. go to a cancer specialist and get it throughly checked outRemember, they might not be able to tell you why it happened, but they should KNOW what it is and how to get rid of it. And it hurts? You really need to tell them that
Skin cancer doesn't appear and re-appear, typically. Once it has a hold of you, it doesn't let go. It does sound like you need to have that looked at by a better doctor.
Your dermatologist doesn't sound like he is explaining everything to you. You need to know your options. Can you have it removed and if so how much will insurance cover. Ask your primary care physician for the name of another dermatologist. Preferably a woman.Go to see her with a list of questions and write each answer down. Sometimes we get overwhelmed at the doctors and forget some of what they said.
Your question is for a medical specialist and not for a site such as this, as its hard to tell when answers are posted if the poster has any relevant medical qualifications.As with any doctor / patient relationship you are entitled to another opinion, go and get one.
The only qualified person you should listen too is a doctor. If you suspect something is wrong, go to your original doctor and explain the symptoms. If you feel uncomfortable with the answer then get a second opinion from another doctor. If you still feel uncomfortable get a third opinion. But keep in mind if all 3 say the same thing...that will need to satisfy your worries. Good luck!
Please recommend a good lotion to moisturize very dry hands?
My hands are extremely dry, I noticed my mom's hands are also very dry. This leads me to think it may be hereditery. However, she mentioned her hands got worse when she had babies and was washing her hands constantly to handle us.
Try "Look Ma, New Hands" by Bath and Body works or Bag Balm (it comes in a green tin at most pharmacies/ drug stores) Also there is Neutrogena's Norwegian Hand cream they have a severe hand formula. It comes in a smaller container and is a little greasy but does the trick! My father (from whom I inherited my dry skin) uses Crack Cream at night and covers his hands with gloves - a little uncomfortable at first but worth it! Good luck!
Keri lotion is very good but it is greasy for a few minutes when you apply it. And yes if your hands are in water alot you will have dry skin.
eucerin and aveeno work really well!try washing with cold water intead of hot...that seems to help me when my hands are dry.
Palmers cocoa butter
I like Olay Quench rapid repair hand lotion. It seems to absorb fast, doesn't feel greasy, and my hands look nice right after I use it.
luberderm lotions are great. my favorite is the sea kelp.
it conditions the skin quickly without being greasy. and leaves your skin silky soft.
Try Lubriderm and/or Cocoa Butter by palmers
Try "Look Ma, New Hands" by Bath and Body works or Bag Balm (it comes in a green tin at most pharmacies/ drug stores) Also there is Neutrogena's Norwegian Hand cream they have a severe hand formula. It comes in a smaller container and is a little greasy but does the trick! My father (from whom I inherited my dry skin) uses Crack Cream at night and covers his hands with gloves - a little uncomfortable at first but worth it! Good luck!
Keri lotion is very good but it is greasy for a few minutes when you apply it. And yes if your hands are in water alot you will have dry skin.
eucerin and aveeno work really well!try washing with cold water intead of hot...that seems to help me when my hands are dry.
Palmers cocoa butter
I like Olay Quench rapid repair hand lotion. It seems to absorb fast, doesn't feel greasy, and my hands look nice right after I use it.
luberderm lotions are great. my favorite is the sea kelp.
it conditions the skin quickly without being greasy. and leaves your skin silky soft.
Try Lubriderm and/or Cocoa Butter by palmers
Please please please please please answerr!!!?
its benn like 4 hours after i ate and i tested my blood sugar and its this normal..i do not have diabetes..please help..i don't have any signs of it though..please help
I agree with Pahd and Anita. You need to stop this for your own sanity. Seriously, there is something "off" in your thinking about this.You don't have it. Get over it.
It's a little high, but the real kicker would be to test your urine for sugar. You can get urine test strips from the pharmacy. If you eat a meal high in sugar (try pancakes and syrup, for instance) and see ANY sugar in your urine, it's definitely time to see the doctor!
Your fine , needs to get around 200 to get really concerned , blood sugar changes hour to hour.
If you arent diabetic, why on earth are you testing your blood sugar? Blood sugars constantly change... just relax.
no its not high.
don't u worry.i suggest u to test ur blood sugar again after some time and see. if it continues to stay there or increase i am afraid u must consult a case if it persists, cut down ur sugar intake and maintain a low leve. with in weeks the sugar level will come to normaldon't u worry . life is full of challenges. face them and wincheers
It's not normal. It's just a little high. 90 to 120 are the good #s after one hour meal. Since it's been 4 hours, then it should be lower than 90 and higher than 80s so my doctor says. To make sure that u don't have it, you should take the urine test. This will tell you for sure if you are diabetic. I assume that if you're testing is because someone in the family is diabetic and u r worry. So, nothing to worry about unless this is frequent and like I said to be sure...get tested.
I don't think it's anything to get worked up about. If you had a diabetes problem, your blood sugar would be a lot more higher. It's probably stress causing your sugar to get as high as it is. Calm down. You'll be fine.
Bubblez, you need help. Not because of your blood sugar, but because of your compulsive need to check it, even to the point of risking infection by re-using needles.Calm down, get some counseling, and get a hobby.
I agree with Pahd. Fourteen anxiety laden questions about diabetes in one week and you don't even have it? Maybe it's time you started hanging out in the mental health category.
if you visit this site
it's a little high but nothing to worry about. probably what you ate. but if ur not diabetic why are you testing your blood sugar?
My advice to you is go see a doctor if you think that you have Diabetes.
I agree with Pahd and Anita. You need to stop this for your own sanity. Seriously, there is something "off" in your thinking about this.You don't have it. Get over it.
It's a little high, but the real kicker would be to test your urine for sugar. You can get urine test strips from the pharmacy. If you eat a meal high in sugar (try pancakes and syrup, for instance) and see ANY sugar in your urine, it's definitely time to see the doctor!
Your fine , needs to get around 200 to get really concerned , blood sugar changes hour to hour.
If you arent diabetic, why on earth are you testing your blood sugar? Blood sugars constantly change... just relax.
no its not high.
don't u worry.i suggest u to test ur blood sugar again after some time and see. if it continues to stay there or increase i am afraid u must consult a case if it persists, cut down ur sugar intake and maintain a low leve. with in weeks the sugar level will come to normaldon't u worry . life is full of challenges. face them and wincheers
It's not normal. It's just a little high. 90 to 120 are the good #s after one hour meal. Since it's been 4 hours, then it should be lower than 90 and higher than 80s so my doctor says. To make sure that u don't have it, you should take the urine test. This will tell you for sure if you are diabetic. I assume that if you're testing is because someone in the family is diabetic and u r worry. So, nothing to worry about unless this is frequent and like I said to be sure...get tested.
I don't think it's anything to get worked up about. If you had a diabetes problem, your blood sugar would be a lot more higher. It's probably stress causing your sugar to get as high as it is. Calm down. You'll be fine.
Bubblez, you need help. Not because of your blood sugar, but because of your compulsive need to check it, even to the point of risking infection by re-using needles.Calm down, get some counseling, and get a hobby.
I agree with Pahd. Fourteen anxiety laden questions about diabetes in one week and you don't even have it? Maybe it's time you started hanging out in the mental health category.
if you visit this site
it's a little high but nothing to worry about. probably what you ate. but if ur not diabetic why are you testing your blood sugar?
My advice to you is go see a doctor if you think that you have Diabetes.
Please please help i am so fed up :o(?
hello please advise me if u can!i am a 21 year old girl who is quite overweight n have had a bit of a problem with bingeing since i was 16.someone close to me died and i became quite depressed and really hated myself and was a worrier,like most this point,when i began bingeing on so much sugar not only did i put weight on but i began to constanlty feel ill... to this day i feel the same and i dont feel better.I have stopped bingeing now but the damage is still there and it is a long process i guess (it is 2 weeks since my last binge yey!)but over the past say 4 years i have had this feeling of feeling ill whether i binge or not..a spaced-out feeling and dull headache behind my eyes that doesnt respond to makes me feel sleepy and a bit nautious.altough my diet is imporving and i am losing weight,i still feel this way a lot.I have had a lot of stress/anxietyrecently,could it be stress?an alternative health man said candida, i dont know what to think, please help
go to a doc.
I think you are experiencing a 'come down' from sugar! On top of the stress you feel, it is a nasty situation your in! Sorry.Like quitting smoking, I would suggest you keep at it and give your body time to re-adjust.Exercise may help boost your energy levels and sense of well being too.Not being a professional though this may be complete balls.
The best advice I can give is talk to a doctor about it.
You really need to talk to a counsellor to help you stop bingeing You have a lot of problems going on and you need a professional to help you Good Luck
Go to the docs-sounds like fluid retention to me and he's the man who can help you. If you're a bit uncertain about the doc then try for a little while Cider Vinegar which will help you if it is fluid retention and won't harm you if it's not.
I'd talk to the doc though -if you are depressed then they can help-they're only human-Good Luck!
Trust me, what really helps is just doing the things you really enjoy in life. Don't hold yourself back, just make the most of life, and you'll stop looking at all the negative things. Try doing different things that are really peaceful and things that would make you feel good, like going to a quiet, area with plenty of greenery, it will really sooth you. And, do different thingfs with yourself, like dying your hair or cutting it, it will create a change and make you feel more attractive, to have more confidence. And, just look at yourself highly, just have the attitude that you are just as good as others, don't be shy and care too much about what others think. Just enjoy life!!
Sounds a lot like stress/anxiety in my experience. I went through a rough patch about 5 years ago that affected me for 4 years or so, I've only really started getting over it all recently. I put on a lot of weight (about 6 stone) and couldn't help but eat badly.I recently bought a bike, and get out on that for anything between 30 and 90 minutes every day that I can, and that has helped a lot. I'm starting to see a slow weight loss, which is boosting my overall confidence, which makes me want to lose more weight. Its like a viscious circle, except not viscious... I also got a new job with London Underground, and dealing with some of the idiots I have to has also boosted my confidence further.In addition to the health benefits, I get such a buzz out on my bike, endorphins and all that. Maybe it could help you.. but give it time, it takes weeks to see a big difference, but they soon fly by.
go to and ask this question.
You should talk to your doctor about this.
Also you should keep eating healthy. Start working out some and start taking a good multivitamin every day. Your body must in shock because it was used to the sugar everyday. And congrats on being free from this problem for two weeks now. You can so do this as time passes it will get better.
God Bless
You are unhappy and depresses and you've been using food as a drug. The more you gain, the more depressed you feel. This is known as a "vicious cycle." What you need to do is get into a group where everyone has the same problem. No one should have to go through this alone. By sharing your problems, successes and failures with the others you will find it easier to solve the core problem that is making you feel this way. Many hospitals and cities offer free workshops in the area of weight loss. Also, check out if you have a local hotline. Good luck to you.
Join a gym, working out helps release stress better than anything. You will not only take off some stress but lose some weight as well. A gym is also an easy way to make new friends that will definetly be willing to help you with your problem because they will be at the gym likely for the same reason you are. You could also hire a personal trainer to help you with your excercises and ways to take off your stress.
I used to feel like you do...and it lasted for like 4 weeks before I started feeling better. I just stopped drinking cokes, eating sugar, and started eating healthy. I felt like my stomach was eating itself at times when it really wasnt..and I always had this light headache. Food is like a drug, and when you try to stop, your body doesnt want you therefore you get those headaches and bodyaches that are saying "I need sugar" But really you don't. But I feel so much better now, I have more energy, and Im happier. Just keep it up, it will be better for you in the long run. It will be over soon :) Keep your head high. Think positive. You can do it.
Hi there,Are you seeing a doctor or a therapist at the moment? This could be of great value and comfort to you. I was bolemic for 4 years and would not have made it without the help that I had. At least you are making the effort by following a balanced diet, but sometimes that in itself is not enough to stop the binges. Do you have anyone close to you orotherwise that you can confide in? This also helps, but I think the route of the problem is the fact that you have not dealt with the death of the person close to you yet. As soon as you deal with that issue, you will be able to move on. I have had a very similar background, I too lost someone very dear to me at the age of 14 and I went totally of the rails. It was very difficult to get back on, but I have done it and I am a happy and confident person today because of it.I am married with three daughters, a grandaughter and I have a wonderful husband. Please reach out and seek professional help. Regards,Rene
Well done. The steps you have taken to improve your health and general well-being are commendable. As someone who also suffered from eating disorders, I think that what you're feeling is understandable. You're coping with the physical consequences of changing your habits, and that is a shock to the body. It takes 3 or 4 weeks for the body to become used to something new, and on top of it you have some emotional issues to contend with. Make sure you're drinking enough water, you need about 5 pints a day. Keep away from all sweet fizzy drinks, they are slow-acting poisons. All that sugar you've consumed may have triggered something close to diabetes, so get a test done for this. Make sure that diet you're on is balanced, and that you're getting whatever vitamins and minerals you need, if necessary take supplements. You might need to have your digestive organs checked out too, as all that bingeing does take its toll on the digestion. And try cutting out certain foods for a week: fried food, dairy products, bananas and nuts. After this go easy of cream and cheese and other rich foods. Take gentle exercise, just enough to help you sleep at night. It sounds like your body is in a healing process, and sleep would be good for you. When you're feeling better you can always step up the exercise.
I think you might have type 2 diabetes. Don't sit worrying; go to your doctor and get some help %26 advice. you will feel a bit sleepy %26 spaced out if your blood sugar is high. Make an appointment now; don;t wait !
go to a doc.
I think you are experiencing a 'come down' from sugar! On top of the stress you feel, it is a nasty situation your in! Sorry.Like quitting smoking, I would suggest you keep at it and give your body time to re-adjust.Exercise may help boost your energy levels and sense of well being too.Not being a professional though this may be complete balls.
The best advice I can give is talk to a doctor about it.
You really need to talk to a counsellor to help you stop bingeing You have a lot of problems going on and you need a professional to help you Good Luck
Go to the docs-sounds like fluid retention to me and he's the man who can help you. If you're a bit uncertain about the doc then try for a little while Cider Vinegar which will help you if it is fluid retention and won't harm you if it's not.
I'd talk to the doc though -if you are depressed then they can help-they're only human-Good Luck!
Trust me, what really helps is just doing the things you really enjoy in life. Don't hold yourself back, just make the most of life, and you'll stop looking at all the negative things. Try doing different things that are really peaceful and things that would make you feel good, like going to a quiet, area with plenty of greenery, it will really sooth you. And, do different thingfs with yourself, like dying your hair or cutting it, it will create a change and make you feel more attractive, to have more confidence. And, just look at yourself highly, just have the attitude that you are just as good as others, don't be shy and care too much about what others think. Just enjoy life!!
Sounds a lot like stress/anxiety in my experience. I went through a rough patch about 5 years ago that affected me for 4 years or so, I've only really started getting over it all recently. I put on a lot of weight (about 6 stone) and couldn't help but eat badly.I recently bought a bike, and get out on that for anything between 30 and 90 minutes every day that I can, and that has helped a lot. I'm starting to see a slow weight loss, which is boosting my overall confidence, which makes me want to lose more weight. Its like a viscious circle, except not viscious... I also got a new job with London Underground, and dealing with some of the idiots I have to has also boosted my confidence further.In addition to the health benefits, I get such a buzz out on my bike, endorphins and all that. Maybe it could help you.. but give it time, it takes weeks to see a big difference, but they soon fly by.
go to and ask this question.
You should talk to your doctor about this.
Also you should keep eating healthy. Start working out some and start taking a good multivitamin every day. Your body must in shock because it was used to the sugar everyday. And congrats on being free from this problem for two weeks now. You can so do this as time passes it will get better.
God Bless
You are unhappy and depresses and you've been using food as a drug. The more you gain, the more depressed you feel. This is known as a "vicious cycle." What you need to do is get into a group where everyone has the same problem. No one should have to go through this alone. By sharing your problems, successes and failures with the others you will find it easier to solve the core problem that is making you feel this way. Many hospitals and cities offer free workshops in the area of weight loss. Also, check out if you have a local hotline. Good luck to you.
Join a gym, working out helps release stress better than anything. You will not only take off some stress but lose some weight as well. A gym is also an easy way to make new friends that will definetly be willing to help you with your problem because they will be at the gym likely for the same reason you are. You could also hire a personal trainer to help you with your excercises and ways to take off your stress.
I used to feel like you do...and it lasted for like 4 weeks before I started feeling better. I just stopped drinking cokes, eating sugar, and started eating healthy. I felt like my stomach was eating itself at times when it really wasnt..and I always had this light headache. Food is like a drug, and when you try to stop, your body doesnt want you therefore you get those headaches and bodyaches that are saying "I need sugar" But really you don't. But I feel so much better now, I have more energy, and Im happier. Just keep it up, it will be better for you in the long run. It will be over soon :) Keep your head high. Think positive. You can do it.
Hi there,Are you seeing a doctor or a therapist at the moment? This could be of great value and comfort to you. I was bolemic for 4 years and would not have made it without the help that I had. At least you are making the effort by following a balanced diet, but sometimes that in itself is not enough to stop the binges. Do you have anyone close to you orotherwise that you can confide in? This also helps, but I think the route of the problem is the fact that you have not dealt with the death of the person close to you yet. As soon as you deal with that issue, you will be able to move on. I have had a very similar background, I too lost someone very dear to me at the age of 14 and I went totally of the rails. It was very difficult to get back on, but I have done it and I am a happy and confident person today because of it.I am married with three daughters, a grandaughter and I have a wonderful husband. Please reach out and seek professional help. Regards,Rene
Well done. The steps you have taken to improve your health and general well-being are commendable. As someone who also suffered from eating disorders, I think that what you're feeling is understandable. You're coping with the physical consequences of changing your habits, and that is a shock to the body. It takes 3 or 4 weeks for the body to become used to something new, and on top of it you have some emotional issues to contend with. Make sure you're drinking enough water, you need about 5 pints a day. Keep away from all sweet fizzy drinks, they are slow-acting poisons. All that sugar you've consumed may have triggered something close to diabetes, so get a test done for this. Make sure that diet you're on is balanced, and that you're getting whatever vitamins and minerals you need, if necessary take supplements. You might need to have your digestive organs checked out too, as all that bingeing does take its toll on the digestion. And try cutting out certain foods for a week: fried food, dairy products, bananas and nuts. After this go easy of cream and cheese and other rich foods. Take gentle exercise, just enough to help you sleep at night. It sounds like your body is in a healing process, and sleep would be good for you. When you're feeling better you can always step up the exercise.
I think you might have type 2 diabetes. Don't sit worrying; go to your doctor and get some help %26 advice. you will feel a bit sleepy %26 spaced out if your blood sugar is high. Make an appointment now; don;t wait !
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