Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pressure in the lower belly caused by intestinal parasites?

Back in may 2006 i drank water that was perhaps contaminated, near a farm. Since january 2007 i experience presure in the lower abdomen. At first I felt it only on the left side but then it spread to the right side. I've asked a doctor and he told me it was perhaps an accumulation of hard to digest things that i ate. But that should be gone long ago because i drink alot of orange juice and have no regularity problems. I know the spawn time of many parasites that live in used water is like 6 months so i'm worried.
I am guessing with that answer you went to a homeopath or chiropractor. (A lot of those people are "stuck" on the accumulated poo theory as the basis of all disease including but not limited to diabetes, cancer, ulcers, etc.)
First of all, a chiropractor has NOT been to medical school. They do NOT have an MD. Homeopaths are usually along the same line.
The best way to determine if you have a parasite or some other infection is to go to a REAL Medical Doctor and get a stool sample, etc. done. They will use REAL medical testing (like looking at your stool under a microscope or doing a culture to determine the problem.
Good Luck!
your realy stupid to drink such water
Do an intestinal/parasite cleanse. Go to a health food store. They'll help you.
Pressure in the lower belly is cased by the distension and problems with the large bowel or pelvic organs. So many different conditions can cause symptoms in the same area. So please see a real doctor so that your problem can be diagnosed.
Go to a Gastrologist ( a doctor who specializes in stomach disorders) and let them do some tests. They can help you. Good luck!
I had this problem yesterday, I went to the Emergency Room and they told me it was one of three things:*If you are a girl it could be menustration pains
*You are not hydrated enough and your intestines are trying to pass through to the other side
*you could have a thing called appendisitisTry jumping up and down if you start hurting really bad then go to an emergency room right now because if you wait too long( and I am not kidding), your appendix can actually BLOW UP!Your appendix doesn't really do anything for your body but one of the symptoms of appendicitis is that your sides will hurt.BADLY!
if you are still experiencing this i recommend you go back to the doc. even if you don't have any other symptoms you could have some sort of abdominal peritonitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc, which require further examination. It probably doesn't have to do with the water you drank since this was in 2006 and most bacterias and parasites/viruses cause other symptoms such as diarrea, nausea, abdominal cramps, flu like symptoms not just abdominal pressure. and you would have probably become symptomatic a long time ago.i would recommend that you go back to the doc, as ascites and abdominal pressure/inflammation can be symptoms of a more serious condition.
Its possible that you drank water contaminated with Giardia.
This is the most common parasitical infection of this type.
The diagnosis is through stool sample. Treatment is with a drug called Flagyl. It can remain in the system for a long time, if not treated, and can have flares followed by a remission of symptoms. Talk to your doctor about this possibility.
Have you asked your doctor to refer you to a gastroenterologist specialist? It might be also be stress related. See a specialist!

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