Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Possibly ringworm?

I have what looks like ringworm on the lower leg, about half way down and on the side of the leg. its about the size of a quarter and is red and itchy, and it weeps if i scratch it. i have fairly dry skin, and this rash/ringworm thing comes back every year at the start of winter (so around may (i live in the southern hemisphere, so its winter now)) and lasts for a few months. i am seeing a doctor about it tomorrow, but ive gotten in every year for about 5 years now. I'm 21.
Could be eczema. See a doctor.
It does not sound like ring worm at all. it certainly would not recur at the same time every year. You may well have a bit of Psoriasis which is inflamed by the weather. There are so many possibilities of what it might be, without seeing it one could not really hazard a guess. I am sure your Dr will sort it out for you.Good luck
Ringworm presents with a circular rash, and it generally is on the feet or hands. I spent three months with Psoraisis, it was missdiagnosed three times. If I were you, I would see a dermotologist.
dont listen to Paul W. My best friend has this exact problem at the exact same time (beginning of winter) every year. It is ring worm and the doctor can help it (not completely cure it unfortunately).

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