Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Possible Kidney Problem?

My Left Kidney, or the area around my left kidney has been sensitive to pressure for some time now. If i touch my lowest rib (in the back) and place pressure on the spot right under that rib i feel pain, i also feel discomfort to slight pain when my body in contorted in a way that puts pressure on the spot under the lower left rib (backside)The pain is only on one side, so i'm not quick to call it a kidney problem, but if anyone knows better than I, i would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to the kidneys.thank you
Heres a test to see if it's your kidney. Get some one to go behind you and make fist and gently knock on your back. Have them do this up and down the back going over the kidney area as well.If it hurts specifically on the kidney area you might have a problem. If it doesn't it might just be a problem with your stomach which is located on the upper left side of the abdomen.You can also take an antacid tablet and give it 15 to 30 minutes to work. If its an extreme case of gas( from fruit or cruciferous veggies like cabbage or broccoli) the pain will ease up.Try these two things and see what happens.You're talking to the queen of kidney stone and kidney problems here so when I get the slightest little twitch in the kidney area I'm all over it! Also this pain could be muscular. Theres this huge muscle called the latsimus dorsi on the back and it wraps around a large portion of the back.If that thing is at all strained or stretched too tight it'll cause pain similar to a kidney stone attack.Deep tissue massage will loosen it up and relieve the pain. Otherwise you could try taking an advil and using a heat pack on the area thats hurting.If all that doesn't work and you still have pain and it is in the back and radiates to the front you might want to see urologist for some testing.Worse case scenario, we're talking emergency room, cats scan or IVP of the kidneys and some delightful pain medicine to help you pass the stone. Good luck and I mean that sincerely! If it's not an emergency.Consider taking these supplements on a regular basis . Cranberry capsules ( One per day) and liquid magnesium/calcium citrate ( nightly).The cranberry will keep your urinary tract clear from infections and the mag/calcium will help with stone prevention and pain.

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