Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Potassium content of fresh fruit?

Here are some of the fruit that contain the most potassium:
Apricots - 458 mg
Avocados - 1096 - 1483 mg
Bananas - 594 mg
Blueberries - 357 mg
Dates - 1160 mg
Kiwi - 302 mg
Mangos - 322 mg
Canteloupe - 546
Honeydew - 460 mg
Orange - 238 - 249 mg
Papayas - 359 mg
Peaches - 309 mg
Raisins - 1239 mgEvery fruit contains potassium. If you have to watch your potassium intake then watch home much fruit you consume. A book that is helpful in researching how much potassium is in certain foods is 'Nutrition for Dummies'.
Here are some good sources for potassiumSweet potato, baked, 1 medium = 694
- Beet greens, 1/2 cup cooked = 655
- Potato, baked, 1 medium = 610
- Yogurt, plain, nonfat, 1 cup = 579
- Halibut, cooked, 3 oz. = 490
- Lima beans, 1/2 cup cooked = 484
- Banana, 1 medium = 422
- Milk, nonfat, 1 cup = 382
- Cantaloupe, 1/4 medium = 368
- Orange juice, 3/4 cup = 355
Add bananas to the list above.
The USDA has a site where you can see a food list with amounts of a selected nutrient like potassium. Go to the link below and scroll down the list to Potassium. Click the button labeled "A" to get an alphabetically sorted list of foods and their potassium content (PDF).

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